Stupid question

Stupid question but can you go into labour without having all the “early signs”. Like I’ve lost my mucus plug a few weeks ago, but not had any nausea, no loose bowels and not many braxton hicks etc?
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Absolutely, with my first my waters broke spontaneously at 38+6. I’d had no labour signs and my bump was still super high ☺️

I went in labour today waters broke lost mucus plus over last couple of days but had no pains or anything b4 today xxx

Yep. I had no symptoms or anything and then my waters broke. I did spend 2 hours with an electric hedge trimmer though tbf which I think broke my waters and I was only 36+4 😅

Its literally her due date aswell xxx

Yep, with my first I had 0 symptoms prior to labour not even braxton hicks. I only knew I was in labour because the cramps were getting worse over time and my mucus plug came out in the shower.

Thank you girls! Honestly means a lot for the reassurance! Xx

@Kacey congratulations lovely! Hope all Goes well

Thanks chick just tryna find ways to cope with pains xxx

I had my little boy last week just woke up feeling period cramps didn’t think anything of it 5 hours later he was here. Didn’t loose any plug till I got to hospital, had being having Braxton. Hicks occasionally but no other signs x

Yes! My waters just went last Friday and contractions started 2 hours later then baby was born 2 hours after that

Yep. When i had my 2nd the midwives didnt believe me when i said i was having him as id had no signs, no contractions and waters hadnt broke. Ended up moving hospital and he was born within a couple hour x

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