Trigger shot .

How long did take for ovidrel ( trigger shot ) to leave your body ? Today is 11 days post my shot and 10 dpo , I still see very faint line which is getting slightly lighter , Is it still ovidrel or positive pregnancy ?
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Its hard to tell on the picture if its getting darker. Hopefully tomorrow you can tell. Mine stayed for 12 days😵‍💫

Ovulation happens 36 hours after trigger shot. Are you sure you ovulated the day after trigger? Did you test before this?

@Sophie no I didn’t test before , I had ovidrel on 7th , I assume I ovulate on 9th if it’s 36 hours , I did another test today , still very faint & it’s getting lighter 😕

14-18 days

8-12 days was my range. Everybody is different

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