positive cervical check experience?

i’m going to be 39+4 tomorrow and my doctor wants to check my cervix for the first time. I’ve been putting it off for the past few weeks because I’ve had a very easy pregnancy and no signs of labor and she said it wasn’t necessary, but tomorrow she officially wants to check before my due date, but I’m so nervous because I’ve heard so many horror stories about how painful it is. Has anyone have a positive experience with this?
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It’s not that painful if they do it right! Also i had mine check when i was 39+4 and went into labor the next night - idk if that had anything to do with it but it might have. Also if it does hurt it’s only for a few seconds when they check you.. doesn’t last long

It’s more awkward than anything

It wasn’t nearly as painful as a membrane sweep, it just feels like lots of pressure and not too painful. It’s uncomfortable but It doesn’t last long. I had my cervix checked for the first time last week and it wasn’t so bad, but with my first baby I had 2 sweeps done and they were so painful that I declined them with this pregnancy.

It’s awkward, but It was not uncomfortable in any way shape or form for me, to be honest with you. I say awkward because a strange woman’s lubed & gloved fingers are going into your vagina. Maybe it was because when she checked, my cervix was still long and closed? Either way, don’t worry about it too much; we tend to hype things up to be more than what they actually are, so we expect the worst going into it. But I was also 38+3 at the time! 38+5 w/ no signs of labor still 🥲🥲🥲

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