Line eyes 👀

I have major line eyes right now. My eyes cannot focus on the test. I had unprotected sex last weekend - 10th. After an early miscarriage at the end of July 26th. I know it would be too early to test but my body feels like it did that time, sore nips, little cramps on and off, headaches, tired, nausea.. no sign of AF yet, no spotting or anything. Top test is this morning and bottom test is a couple days ago which is definitely negative. I know it's probably too early to pick up anything as it's only 8 days after unprotected sex today.. but it got the better of me.
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Both are negative.

When was the top test taken and the bottom? I feel like I maybe see something on the top one

@Sarah the top test was this morning and was the one I thought I could see something on too.. it's only 8 days after sex.. so I'll test again on Wednesday morning if still no AF and see what that one says as will be 11 days after.

The amount of days after sex isn’t really what you want to be looking at. When was/is your ovulation? Did you have sex around that window? When is your period due? It’s really too early to test I would imagine tbh. Unless your period is due imminently

@Sarah I know how pregnancy works and that it should be counted from DPO. I actually have no idea when my ovulation was which is why I'm going from unprotected sex (my youngest was actually conceived the on the date I had sex! The dates matched with conception rather than my period etc spot on). Also as stated in the post I had an early miscarriage around the end of July 26th.. haven't had a period since, but they say around 4 weeks after which would be anytime now really.. but I also read that you can get pregnant as soon as two weeks after an early miscarriage.. I'm currently waiting for AF to show, but the symptoms are exactly how I felt with my last pregnancy, which is why testing got the better of me.

Hi, do you think maybe you need to step back from this until your period comes? You just had a loss. Like how are you handling that rn?

@Aphrodite Honestly, I am fine. I've dealt with the loss, I was extremely early and have processed it all. This wasn't planned either, we had planned to be careful until AF had been and gone, but sometimes things happen. I am waiting for AF as stated a few times previously, I was just curious due to my symptoms that's all. I'm not actively trying to get pregnant again.

Ah ok well sorry if I offended you but as there was no mention of period or ovulation dates I wasn’t to know whether you were aware or not. It is of course possible but as you are the one with the most information about your cycle,I don’t feel able to add much other than to unfortunately say I don’t see anything on these tests at the moment. Going by the last date you speak of having sex,I’d say it’s still going to be too early to show on a test even if you did conceive. Sorry to hear of your early miscarriage. I’ve been there twice and TTC after this was very difficult and emotional every month

@Sarah with my youngest the pregnancy test showed positive just 8 days after unprotected sex.. he was actually conceived on that same day as the dates matched spot on. With my previous miscarriage I didn't test positive until 15 days after unprotected.. so I know it all comes down to when/if body has ovulated. I'm waiting for AF atm and I don't expect to be pregnant but the symptoms were just throwing me off a little. I don't see anything either on the tests, but my eyes were playing tricks on me. So I just needed to post somewhere and see.

Yeah I understand,and it’s such a vulnerable time after a miscarriage. I used to stare at the tests for hours convinced I could see something! I guess only time will tell. I think it’s hard coz the symptoms of pregnancy and your period are so similar. I honestly don’t think I could tell them apart. The only difference I’ve ever had was crying and being over emotional in pregnancy which I don’t get with my period.

Then why are you in a group full of women TTC asking if you’re pregnant like you want to be? It’s coming off like you hope you are and are trying despite an agreement not to try and you are getting an attitude for no reason when Sara was only trying to be helpful. PMS can look and feel like pregnancy. Your pregnancy test is negative, you probably haven’t even ovulated yet. End of story.

@Aphrodite this group is actually for pregnancy tests to see if people can see lines or not.. of course I want to be pregnant, I'm not actively trying right now as wanted a cycle or two to pass by first and I've read and been advised by the EPU that it can happen as soon as two weeks after an early miscarriage. I wasn't getting an attitude with @Sarah I was just saying I know you should count from DPO, but as I was unaware of dates due to the miscarriage I was going from a different situation. FYI test showed a faint positive today, but thanks for your lovely words 👌🏻

Don’t be arsey then. It’s a hard journey for all of us, but getting an attitude when someone’s just helping you out bc you didn’t get the positive test you wanted isn’t ok. It sucks but it’s not even like you’re out yet. Chill out.

For sure positive congratulations!!! 💕💕

Congrats! Do you know your due date? I also had an early miscarriage July 27, and we are also not “actively TTC”, but had sex on ovulation days. I know my dpo today is 8. I don’t see any lines on mine yet. 😕 How many days has it been for you after sex when you took this test?😃

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@Sarah probably around the 17th May just roughly working it out. Today would be 9 days after unprotected, but then everyone is different, some people develop higher amounts of HCG earlier on etc and obviously tests pick up different levels, you need tests with a low MIU as they pick up lower amounts of HCG, the higher the MIU the more HCG you need. Sending you lots of good luck and baby dust ❤️

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