Advice please??

I took a test today as it’s the first day of my missed period… I was going on negative until I seen this I’m seeing a very faint second line! Should I hold off and wait to test again in a couple weeks if I’ve not had my period? Or should I see about going to the doctors see if I can get bloods done to confirm?🤷🏼‍♀️ With my daughter I didn’t test positive until I was 12 weeks even doing tests inbetween then so I’m not sure if that’s what’s happening again or if I’m just seeing things🤷🏼‍♀️
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I can see the line too. Rare for drs in the UK to do bloods to confirm but it can’t hurt to ask. The faintness of the line shouldn’t really matter, as far as I’m aware a faint second line is still a positive 😊

@Amy it wasn’t until I cleared I noticed it because the other line was so clear so I just took it as negative until I gave it a good 10 minutes

How long after you tested did this appear? I’d retest with a pink dye test. Clear blue / blue dye are terrible for evaporation lines. Everything crossed for you x

That could just be an evaporation line then. I think the box tells you the reading window and then any second line after that has to be disregarded

Not sure where you’re from but I use boots own brand ones. This photo definitely looks like a positive line though!

@Amy I will do another test tomorrow morning maybe and see what that says

Definitely get a pink dye ones x I like the boots or Poundland ones. I can see I line too but these clear blue ones are known for Evaps and indents so would trust them

Hope you’re doing okay 🥰

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