Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

So I have found out I'm pregnant again with my second child. This is only 13 months after my little boy was born! I gave birth at Queen Charlotte's but considering Chelsea and Westminster this time. My experience at QC wasn't bad but I was left alone for a few hours after giving birth as there were two emergencies that the midwives had to rush to. They also forgot to put a name band on my wrist and the midwives only noticed this the following day when I was in the post natal ward. Tbh I did go into labour fast and gave birth 4 hours after reaching the hospital. I understand hospitals are understaffed these days too. We were told there is one midwife per 8 mothers and babies! Can anyone shed light on their experience at CW?
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I have birth at Chelsea and west and have also been a register with the same child since. If you have no complications they have a great birthing centre or they have the ward. The birthing centre is still midwife led but in a relaxed environment.

I’m with CW too and I’ve had no issues so far, they’re very fast in getting appointments and everything booked in! Also the staff who do the blood tests are very gentle, the only blood tests I’ve ever had that didn’t hurt and trust me I’ve had a lot 😅 definitely recommend

I was at CW. In general good experience. Had a c section and have to say it was very professional. Felt I was in the best hands. The ward experience after was pretty grim though!

@Sarah same here at QC. I almost had an emergency c section due to meconium present in my amniotic fluid but I laboured really fast and gave birth naturally. The midwives were really good during that. But once I was transferred to post natal ward and this was on a weekend, getting any help or assistance was a mission. We would ask for help with breastfeeding and a midwife would come back to me two hours later and they weren't very helpful. Overnight my baby didn't feed at all and the following day I had no choice but to give him formula despite wanting to avoid it.

@Anna omg I had the same with breastfeeding. It was a struggle to get help. I knew something wasn’t right…. But they told me all was fine. 3 days later we had to go to a+e as she hadn’t been latching properly and lost too much weight

@Sarah did she have jaundice too by any chance? Luckily my son didn't but it's common. We also went to A&E the following evening after being discharged as he hadn't had a wet nappy in 24 hours. He decided to wee when we got there 😅 but we were also told he had lost weight and I started feeding him formula as my breast milk wasn't enough apparently. At the midwife appointments they were getting worried he's not gaining enough weight each day and despite having a lactation specialist come to visit I still had to combi feed.

@Sarah the thing is also that for some women the breast milk doesn't come in till day 4/5 like in my case. Not sure how much colostrum I was making but it didn't seem a lot

I was originally registered at Queen Charlotte’s but I switched to Chelsea Westminster halfway through my pregnancy and honestly it was the best decision. I’ve found everyone at CW to be so much more friendly, caring and helpful. Friends who’ve recently delivered at CW have also said very positive things.

@Sarah we had exactly the same story! CW were all very positive even though I knew little one wasn’t latching properly and was on tiny quantities of colostrum for 3 days while in hospital. On day 5 when the midwife weigh him, she sent us straight to A&E as he had dropped 600grams. Sounds like so many mums and babies had the exact same experience!!

I gave birth at CW, I did feel cared for although I had to push sometimes to be listened to. I agree with an above comment about the post natal ward after I gave birth wasn’t that great. I had to literally hunt for help. During my labour right after I gave birth my midwife did just leave and I never saw her again so I did feel abandoned and I was pushed out of my labour room quickly ready for the next person. That threw me. But the prenatal ward (pre birth) the staff were lovely and kept checking in on me. So it had pros and cons.

Same as Sarah. Pre c section I loved C&W, but the ward was horrid and felt very unsupported. You feel like you are on a conveyor belt and unless you speak up (several times) you are forgotten about x

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