Telling work you’re pregnant

Hi everyone! Wondering if you have told your employers about your pregnancy yet? I’m 20 weeks now so have another four weeks before I legally have to tell them, but feel like I’m showing now and need to say something when everyone gets back to the office after the summer break. I am quite senior in a big corporate and run a team of 25 people, and absolutely dreading it. A lot of colleagues have had quite a bad experience with their mat leave especially in terms of their teams being restructured while they are off, and cuts to bonuses etc (all within “legal” guidelines- more of a subtle screwing over!). Appreciate not everyone works in big businesses but just wondering how you are all getting on with telling your employers and teams? Any positive stories to cheer me up about it?!
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I manage a smaller team of 8, but I didn't tell anyone (apart from my boss) until around 20 weeks. HR didn't know until then either, but I'm going back in Oct and I know things have changed and my teams grown to 15 🙄 so that's great 🤣! Once it's out there, you'll probably feel a lot of pressure gone. If you have a good rapport with your boss/HR team, I would let them know first and then mention it to your team 😊

I told my employer at 6 weeks but that’s because I work in children’s services and the children can become quite physical at times. It also restricts some of the things I am able to do, such as physical intervention, so risk assessments need to be in place to protect staff and children. My work has been great about it, in all honesty. They’ve been a little miffed about me having some time off sick but other than that they’ve been good. They’re even allowing me to take 4 weeks annual leave before I got on maternity leave!

I am 20+3 and told my manager at around 8 weeks and the rest of the team at 13. Loads of people know but I haven't informed HR properly yet... Although the HR director knows. I have to fill out a form and attach my mat1b.. which I don't have yet. I also had to do a risk assessment straight away even though my job doesn't pose any risks. My manager has been very supportive and has been making sure things are set up well for me and the team have been very excited! No one in the team has kids currently so they're all very curious.

I’m no longer working, but I found out I was pregnant when I was and I told them straight away. I had a miscarriage in January so made them aware in case something else were to happen, I wouldn’t have told them until later if that wasn’t the case x

I told them at 14 weeks

I told my manager and colleagues I work with directly almost right away so I could easily sort time off for appointments and get the support I need. Will tell everyone else and HR after my 20 week scan next week.

I told my manager at 10 weeks as I work in a high risk environment with lots of H&S and regularly need to travel for stakeholder meetings. I set their expectations early regarding my involvement in events for next year and what I can physically do in the workplace.

I business owner and I would say telling them sooner than later is better. So they can get things prepared etc..

I told my manager on the downlow at 15 weeks just because I was feeling quite sickly and didn’t want him concerned about all the doctors appointments I was having, he was very pleased for me and has kept it hush until I have to tell

I told my boss at 13 weeks, we had just been taken over by a new company and there’s been so much going on but wanted to say early to protect myself. I ended up getting a promotion and pay rise as a colleague handed his notice in! HR also have done risk assessments and helped me feel at ease. I’m an MD at a corporate and so far feel telling them has been the best thing. My wider team and colleagues don’t know yet, waiting for 20 week scan although my bump is getting obvious now!!

I told work at about 12 weeks.

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