Is this positive?

So after 3 early MCs I started getting PG symptoms over the last few days. Decided to do a test (about 4 days before period due), and this is the result. I think it's positive, do you? Also as advised by my doctor I started taking progesterone, but have been having cramps and today a headache (which I often get before my period), so now I am worried. Was I too early testing? Has anyone else had these symptoms whilst taking progesterone? Did you have a successful pregnancy?
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Congrats it looks positive!! 🫶🏽

It looks positive congrats, also common side effect from taking progesterone.

Hi. When did you start the progesterone? Before getting pregnant?? I had 2 miscarriages. And did progesterone on the second time and still miscarriage. All chromosome related. Progesterone will give u all the pregnancy symptoms.. Hopefully baby sticks!!! đź’—đź’—

Update, still reading positive and more convincingly so. All those pre-period symptoms stopped after a few days. Now waiting an early scan at the end of the week, if all good that would be me 7wks. Keeping everything crossed. Have really sore boobs but no morning sickness as yet... But for my last that didn't start till later for me... But who's to say one pregnancy is like the last. I am really hopeful this time, Friday will be the crucial day. Still taking the progesterone. A bit worried about what happens after the 12 week mark, as that's when I am meant to stop taking that. Anyone had experience with that?

@laura started the progesterone the day I got my first positive pregnancy test which was about 4 days before my period was due. For my previous pregnancy (which I miscarried) I was later taking the progesterone, a week post expected period start. Then two days later negative pregnancy test and miscarriage. Hope that helps. I really hope this is it for me and hope it helps you too. Xx

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