Second time mummy

Is anyone else a second time mum with a short space in between my little boy is one in 2 weeks and I’m currently 18 weeks, I felt my little boy move from 16 weeks and I’ve not felt a single flutter with this little one. I know you shouldn’t compare pregnancies but I always get anxious 😬
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Yes my little boy turned 1 a couple of weeks ago and I'm almost 21 weeks pregnant. I only started feeling flutters from 18 weeks and they turned into proper little kicks from 20 weeks, but I think its still OK to not feel anything for a few more weeks. I also think its harder because you're so distracted with your almost toddler that I couldn't concentrate on the feeling so much. I did find the 20 week scan great for putting my mind at ease as the wait between the 12 and 20 weeks feels so long when you can't really feel anything. Hopefully youre next couple of weeks will fly by and you can see your little one too!

@Holly Thank you this has put my mind at ease it’s crazy because you do kind of forget you’re pregnant because you’re so busy with a toddler but then when you sit and think you’ve not felt nothing you start to worry 😮‍💨 I think you should have more than two scans the wait is far to long 😪 xx

@Ellisha yes definitely, the uncertainty can be terrifying but a midwife friend told me that the vast majority of the time pregnancies end up producing healthy babies. Its just that you hear of the sad stories more ;( I still think every day I haven't felt anything because we've been so busy but then I sit down and eat something and the baby loves it..but only recently of course! Keep us posted when you feel something...won't be long I'm sure! X

I felt this one move at 16 weeks, but it wasn't this early for my last two. I think they both had their placentas at the front though, which cushioned their movements until they were bigger. I'm guessing this one's placenta is lying elsewhere.

@Holly That’s very true, you always here more bad than good! Aww I love that baby obviously is a foodie 🫶🏽 I will do thank you xx

@Jo Awww yes I’ve heard this but I think my placenta is at the back as I’ve not been told otherwise 😬 xx

Possibly. I don't know if everyone gets told or not. I wasn't told at the 12 week scan, only at the 20. It may be in the notes you were given, if you've attended that one?

I’m 18 weeks and haven’t felt movements either but had a gender scan on Saturday my placenta is at the front. I’m trying not to freak out but it’s hard

@Jo Ahhh okay, I’ve not had my 20 weeks scan yet so could potentially be that then xx

@Sarah Ahhh so when are you expected to feel anything or is that the unknown? It is horrible because you’re unsure if everything is okay or not 😮‍💨 xx

I’m not really sure the unknown is killing me this is baby no.5 for me I have my 20 week scan on the 29th so I will ask then but our folder says between 18-20 x

I have a 14 month old and am 20 weeks. With my first I had an anterior facing placenta and didn't feel the first flutter until about 18 weeks. Didn't truly start feeling movement until probably about 22 weeks though. :)

Thank you @Melony that’s reassuring I think I feel flutters or maybe it’s wind 😂trying to stay positive as my scans were all ok still scary to

I have a 13 month old and have had my 20 week scan today, have also barely felt any movement yet compared to my first. My placenta is at the front so the sonographer said I’ll likely feel movement at the sides or low down first x

@Bryony were they concerned at all you haven’t felt movement or when you would maybe start to feel with your placenta at the front

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@Sarah no not at all, I think they say you should feel movement by around 24 weeks. I completely get why you’d be worried tho and I was a bit anxious going into my scan because I haven’t felt the same sort of movement that I did with my first x

The midwife did say if I didn’t feel anything by 24 weeks to tell them it’s still really daunting at least feeling them move reassures us I’m so scared for my scan x

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