Anyone else trying for a baby now? Or How long did it take you to conceive?

First time actually trying for us as our little girl was a happy accident (I was off of the contraception for a while though 😅.. I also don’t feel like I’m the most fertile) ❤️… I’m due on my period on Wednesday and I feel so so anxious, feel like my minds playing tricks on me, I’m bloated and nauseous and I keep thinking I am but I feel like I’m going to be disappointed 😭😭😭.. it’s so nerve racking How long did it take for you guys to conceive when you were trying?
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With my November baby, my first we tried on and off over 2 years but probably a year of trying, my son a half accident was conceived within 3 months and is now 3 months old xx

My November baby took 3 months, I’m pregnant again now and it took one attempt x

Pregnant again not even trying. Just happened so might as well have all the babies now 😃 but yeah apparently it happens really easy after one

My November baby took 5 months, and am currently early stages pregnant with my 2nd, which happened first cycle of trying!

I have 2 under 2. I fell pregnant when my son was 9 months and had my other son when he was 18 months old. We didn’t intend on have 2 kids, they were both blessings in disguise.

@Maria I can mirror your comment completely with one exception my number two is 6 months already (and number one IVF)

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