Encouragement/ Update on Tré

I see a lot of new Mamas lately so I just wanted to share my little guy and our PPROM story as encouragement. I had an early anatomy scan at 17 weeks because I had a Subchronic Hematoma that bled constantly. During the anatomy scan they saw my fluid was low and that my baby was about 4 weeks behind on his growth in some areas. I got an amniocentesis done that day to see if there was something genetically wrong which there wasn’t and fast forward to me being 19weeks and 6days pregnant Boom my water breaks and I lose all fluid. They tell me I will miscarry in about 2 weeks. I went home. Got in bed and did not move. At every weekly appointment post PPROM termination was mentioned as a suggestion until about 24 weeks when they finally felt he had a chance because he had reached 1lb and they admitted me into the hospital. The doctors did they’re rounds everyday and told me my baby more then likely would not breathe and the ventilator may burst his lungs because they were so small and never had a chance to develop before I lost all fluid. They prepared me daily for the worst up until the day they cut him out at 29 weeks and 1 day, he weighed 1lb 5oz, and he came out CRYING! Not only did his lungs work but they were working well! He only needed CPAP throughout his NICU stay and came home with no lung issues. I say all that to say have hope. I had literally just a. Mustard seed of faith, I wish I was more hopeful because it made that entire time post PPROM miserable. I was so depressed and I just wish I had more people encouraging me, and telling me more than the worst case scenarios. Picture of my little guy who is now 22 Months (19 months adjusted)
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You’re blessed!!! He’s so cute. Sure, this story will definitely encourage some one somewhere. I can only imagine how difficult it must have been to stay positive while hearing all the fearful/ negative things from the professionals.

So sweet!! I love seeing other PPROM babies thriving. I know you had to be extremely strong to go through this so congrats to you and your baby ❤️❤️

@Karina thank you so much love 💕

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