Fed up now

So my best friend just had her baby last night (39+6) and my sister is in labour now (40w today). I’ve told them both I’m so jealous. I’m just wanting it to be over already 😂 I hate being pregnant. It sucksssss. But I’m in for a growth scan today as she’s gone from the 80th centile to the 50th. I don’t really pay much attention to that kind of thing as measurements are mostly always wrong 🙄 but it’s weird to think I’ll be in the same hospital later as my friend and sister at the same time. Getting impatient but also excited to not be pregnant anymore… 35 weeks and counting
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Hi, almost there. I ain't pregnant but I remember what that was like the count down :) it will be over quicker than you know:)

Aww its so lovely that you've all been able to share the journey together though, that must've been lovely and having that support to pull you through the bad days. Not long now though, the end is in sight x

That’s awesome to have the babies so close in age ☺️ I’m 40 weeks and 3 days now and I’m so ready to give birth! Getting pretty uncomfortable

Awww thank you all. Xx

The last few weeks can feel so tedious and draining! But can we talk about the fact you’re having a baby at the same time as your best friend and sister!! What a blessing ❤️

Try to focus on the remainder of your journey and your wellbeing. Soak it all up xx

Ladies, thank you all so much. I needed that this morning. I’m so fed up with being pregnant. Second time around and I still despise it 😂 but its getting close now 💞

Ohh hun I know how you feel people close you having their babies and you still got time to go. My friends who are having august babies are having their babies or had their babies and I’ve still got 5+4 days remaining. I find it frustrating but it will be our time soon. Xx

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