My water just broke 🤗

Hi Ladies, my water broke this morning 🤗 2 days after my due date and wowzas it was like Niagra Falls! Been to the hospital and they sent me home for labour to start. How long did everyone deliver after your waters breaking? I can hardly wait! Xx
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Good luck!!!

With my first my waters went in bed but no sign of labour, they sent me home and said I had to go back in 24 hours if nothing happened.... I went back in at 2am the next day as nothing had happened. Have you had any other signs? Apparently it's quite rare for your waters to break with no warning/contractions starting first 🤷🏼‍♀️ Good Luck!

Ps, I'm 2 days past my due date too!

Best of luck!!! Rest up while you can until labour starts 🙏

@Leanne mine went in bed this morning and pretty much said the same, I’ve abit of back pain but I guess il be back there in the morning 🙉 Xx

I was 36+4 but waters went just after 5pm, contractions started around 2am (I had to stay at hospital due to her being premature), just before 8am I was 5cm, around 12 I was fully dilated and she was born at 1.49. Probably would have been earlier but there was an issue with my cannula so they made me wait to push while that got sorted out 😅

I was in labour for 3 days after my waters broke but that was because I was stubborn, my contractions started literally an hour after my waters went and they were every 2-3 mins apart straight away

@Kate how are you getting on? Still nothing for me, I'm going for my 3rd sweep today and I'm booked in for induction on Monday. I've lost my mucus plus and had what I think was a bloody show but still nothing else happening. 🤞 For you!

@Leanne I started with contractions about midnight! I’d say they are every 10 Mins now but quite mild. Just getting ready to go the hospital as they still want to see me with it being 24hrs since my water broke. Fingers crossed this is it and il not be sent back home! Good luck with your sweep! 🤞🏻🤞🏻 xx

@Kate brilliant, good luck! So exciting!

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