Teething relief recommendations

Mommas, I am in the trenches with my sons teething!!! He’s 13 months and has 4 upper teeth and 2 lower teeth. Those teeth came in like he didn’t even notice but these past few days he has been screaming in pain. He does not like teethers and never took to binkies. He doesn’t like cold washcloths. I have Camilia drops that I’ve been giving him but they don’t help much. I gave him Tylenol yesterday when it was really bad after I tried everything else. What products do you recommend that helps with your littles?
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Anbesol liquid 1000%!

Natureprofen by Dr green mom has been a huge help for us! https://drgreenlifeorganics.com/products/usda-organic-nature-profen-infants-kids?variant=40810789994557&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=21353213964&utm_content=165987106489&utm_term=&tw_source=google&tw_adid=701521422861&tw_campaign=21353213964&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAqqXT46BGaYpE13iFrPlEMGaMIxix&gclid=CjwKCAjwoJa2BhBPEiwA0l0ImFmIZWxQ2Fr3Phc6wQ72agPt0Ykg3tOCbdUx-Oa4IO27FXO3Oss5cRoCxb0QAvD_BwE

Anbesol liquid! Definitely recommend we’ve tried loads but this was a game changer c

We have this day time and night time teething gel believe I got it at dollar general or Walmart. Works great even helps my little one sleep

Update: since giving him the Camilia he has a bit of a rash on his face, belly, and neck. I’m going to stop using the Camilia and see if it clears up because that’s the only new thing I’ve introduced so he may be having an allergic reaction to something in the ingredients!

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