Feeling so devastated and isolated

We’ve had three early losses within a year and a half. No living children. We don’t have any answers as to why, testing always comes back normal. My coworker brought in her brand new baby to work yesterday, I held him and my heart just shattered. I’m so angry at the world, devastated with grief, jealous and happy for her. It’s hard to process everything. My husband is a great compartmentalizer which has me feeling extra isolated in all the feels. I guess I’m just struggling and hoping to not feel so alone for a little bit.
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I'm so sorry for your losses. I've had two and have almost been TTC a year, no living children either and seem to be surrounded by babies all of a sudden. Be kind to yourself, try and focus on things that bring you joy. Best of luck. Here if you ever need to chat x

Hang in there, it may be hard which I can relate to as have had a couple losses myself. One of my second cousins had 3 misscarrys all at 6 weeks gone and now she's due to have her first baby on 1st October. Your time will come and I'm sure when that time does come you are going to make wonderful parents xx

Thank you both ❤️

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