At Amy didn't see ninetendo switch on Vinted.The trouble is don't think it would sell that fast...she lol dolls or anything lol there's lots on vinted.i can also use clearplay to buy couple of tours and pay it off..but nintendo switch seem like such a big expense and even if I would use Zilch or clarplay it's something like £80 every 4 weeks.. its is stressful..I normally do party as well but then no this year...its all too expensive....
Does it have to be a Switch or would she settle for a switch lite? They can only be played handheld rather than hooked up to the telly but they’re about £100 cheaper. Do you have any shops near you that sell the second hand ones. Game or CeX?
At Amy I will have a look in second hand shops but I think that's still around £150 at least.. I will figure it out but its stresfull...
At Amy thanks for that.I did asked her and she said she prefers lite,she doesn't want switch so I might be OK.. thanks
Hi, Birthdays can be so stressful can’t they?! Have you tried selling some unwanted things on Vinted? I’ve just had a clear out and managed to make a bit of cash quite quickly. Found it much easier and faster to use than eBay too! Also, thinking of Vinted, you could try getting a switch second hand? Is there anything else at all that she wants that might be a bit cheaper? Not sure if you guys celebrate Christmas but was just thinking that if she had a cheaper gift for birthday Christmas is further away so more time to save up.