I dealt with low iron in my first two pregnancies that had me crashing at 3-5pm even despite taking a double dose of iron tablets. dr seems to think it’s fine this time around, I don’t know if I’m just exhausted from chasing two toddlers around all day and being pregnant but I do also have low thyroid which also causes excessive tiredness. I did have to have an iron transfusion after the birth of my first (I lost 1.5lts of blood) and I felt so much better afterwards.
@Sharnee It’s so tiring, isn’t it? I have the double whammy of thyroid stuff too - I’ve had to increase my meds there so hopefully that will help. My midwife has recommended I try to find a GP who will give me an infusion (so far no luck) since there’s a limit to how much I can increase the supplementation. Hopefully I can make that happen. I have a 13 month old, so I know what you mean about the exhaustion from chasing them - though I imagine two is quite a bit more than one!
@Sophie haha it definitely is! Hopefully you’ll be able to find a doctor who will help you out because the iron transfusion for me was like night and day - literal zombie to mama got energy so I’m sure it’ll help. 😂 honestly I don’t know how I survived having my second pregnancy and my baby - I was still throwing my first in the air and running him around earlier in the day before I went into labour 😵💫 dont ask me how because I have no idea. it’s not easy at times so make sure you’re taking rest and looking after yourself as best you can mama ❤️
An update from me- I waddled into ED today and had some IV fluids and I am feeling a bit better 🫶🏼
@Judith Glad to hear you’re feeling a little better.
I am exhausted too. I am 17w and I left work after three hours today and slept in my couch for three hours. I still feel like I could keep sleeping. When will I feel better 😖😖😖