First MC, what to expect, help?!...

Excuse me for sounding brutal here, but Im desperately hiding the emotional and physical from my LG. We're due to leave for Centre Parcs tomorrow, it's all about the Subtropical Swimming Paradise, Im so scared that even if I just paddle there could be another heavy episode in the pool area. Wondering how on earth I carry on as usual for her benefit. She's been talking about it for months and is so excited and will cry the place down if Mummy wouldn't go in, no-one else will do!.. like ever! Sorry to call on others painful experiences, but did heavy bleeding reoccur after passing, or can I expect to just manage period-like flow of blood now? Could I paddle in swimwear / shorts whilst away or am I asking to share a murder show with all the little ones in the swimming area šŸ˜–šŸ«„
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Hi there. Iā€™m sorry you are going through this Iā€™m going through the exact same thing right now and booked in for surgery tomorrow as mine was a missed miscarriage. I also was due to go on holiday around the time we found out and the nurses and doctors all advised me not to go swimming and were pretty adamant on it. Not sure of the reasons why but i decided not to. Hope you manage to enjoy your holiday x

First off, Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. Thereā€™s no words that can make it better, but your feelings are valid and let yourself feel them. It can be so difficult with a little one already at home. I had a mmc last year and keeping a happy face for my daughter was one of the most difficult parts. Bleeding will likely differ from person to person based on how far along you were, and how your body responds to whatever management method youā€™ve chosen. I was almost 9 weeks, and I chose to do the meds, baby stopped growing at 7w3d. The majority of the bad bleeding was the first 24 hours. After that it was more or less like a standard period for me. If you are doing the mife/miso combo, make sure you have some pain meds on hand because the first few hours will come with contractions and I found I needed pain meds to get through those. After those first few hours though no more physical pain from it. Wishing you all the best! Be gentle with yourself ā¤ļø

Also to add- you arenā€™t supposed wear tampons due to infection risk so just keep that in mind. Also look up the local emergency rooms/hospitals for where you are going. I donā€™t say that to scare you at all- Iā€™m sure you will be 100% fine. But just in the event something happened and you had severe bleeding or something, would want to be prepared

Thank you, both really helpful thanks. Sorry for your losses too, wishing you both love, health and happiness as you move on ā¤ļø

2 miscarriages here, both around 7 weeks. For both of them, after the initial passing, it was just like a period for me. Although it did last for much longer than a period, it was manageable

I would check with your doctor about swimming- my understanding is that the cervix can stay a little open for a bit which can lead to infection so I think I was told no tampons, no swimming for some amount of time. Iā€™m so sorry for your loss! Take care of yourself or ask for help if youā€™re able to.

Am so sorry it is so difficult esp when you have other children. I went thru a MMC in Feb 2024 and it was very difficult due to how much baby was wanted and hormones etc. I have a 9 year old and 2 year old. My 9 year old already knew she was getting another brother or a sister but just before 12 weeks I lost baby and he or she had stopped growing at 7 weeks gone. Was hard to get her to understand but I think in one way she did as she only wants to adopt a baby now. It does start to get easier (I had a still born before my eldest) once I started to feel better the only time I really struggled was earlier this month when baby would of been due. I'm not sure about why you can't go swimming but I can say after baby passes the bleeding does go like a period. I do hope things get easier for you soon and it doesn't put you off trying again. I'm scared of loosing again but we are currently trying again. Try to enjoy your holiday as best you can xx

Firstly, so sorry for your loss, be kind to yourself and feel how you need to feel. I personally didnā€™t bleed with my 2 MCs until intervention happened - when it did, I bled horrifically and ended up with tablets to help the bleeding, is it worth speaking to someone to see if you can get some tablets? Xx

Thanks everyone! Not planning on swimming, just paddling, but didnt want to 'make a scene' in front of other expectant mothers, little ones etc, if I bled through something like shorts.. I'm wearing pads but bleeding has resided. Im so sorry you guys have been through / are going through this too! Im hoping you are blessed soon xx

Sorry for your loss. I hope you are okay. My first MC at 10 weeks was a missed miscarriage so I had to have surgery. Light bleeding after that. My most recent MC occurred naturally and it came out like a heavy period. I bled for about 6 days.

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