“any sign of baby yet”

*RANT* anyone else just feel infuriated whenever they hear these words? i am 6 DAYS overdue… 6 DAYS and i hear it at least 3 times a day and i am sick of it, i find it very fucking odd that people feel so entitled to ask, if i wanted you to know or if there was news to tell, i would’ve told you? wish i had told people im having a late september baby at this rate. this is not good for the oxytocin 😂
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I’m having the same thing! Everyone keeps sending me messages like ‘are you in labour yet?’ ‘Is baby girl here yet’. I’m overdue and feel like it’s putting so much pressure on me😅

I’m not even due until Tommorow and since the weekend I’ve had the same, even off people I’m not even close with. Are you still pregnant? Baby here yet? Have you had baby? Someone messaged at 4pm last night asking how things were and this morning before 10am said any signs yet?? Like no! 😤😤

@Kirsty SO much pressure, i think it’s such an invasive thing to be asking as well like just super bloody nosey… even if we replying saying yes we’ve had her.. what then? they’re not getting invited round the same day are they 😂

@Jo so annoying isn’t it, i’ve started ignoring people or just sending back a blunt “no she’s not” and they still don’t take the hint 🥲😂

Feeling this😅 I’m due today but for the last week it’s been constant, if something happens I’ll let people know until then, leave off😂😅xx

I’m putting my settings on what’s app so people can’t see when I’m last online and think I’m going to don’t disturb my phone lol! Also because im on my Todd I don’t even know how I’m getting to hospital yet and keep having messages saying just call me if you need me to hold your hand or take you etc , and then again the next day lol. And yep like Kirsty said you feel under pressure but you can’t force the baby out lol :/

I'm feeling the same!! Overdue by 8 days and it's all my partner have had since before I was due. Even though I keep telling people when I've given birth 🙃

@Jo i have also put my settings on the same haha. if we could force the baby out, i would purely just to be able to say “yes ive had her now piss off xoxo” 🤣

I’ve switched all my notifications off on all apps apart from my mum and dad’s messages. I have been replying but without the pressure of seeing things pop up. X

@Charlotte that’s also a very good idea!! x

I was 12 days over and I had this none stop. It was my first pregnancy and even then the more people badgered me about where he was the more I started to panic - and for no reason! In the end I stopped replying to everyone baring immediate family because all I ever heard was ‘well he should be here by now’ ‘oh you should be trying the spicy curry’s and herbal tea’s’ blah blah. In the end everyone found out he was here when I announced him on social media - it ruffled a lot of feathers but I honestly wasn’t bothered because at least I had something to announce this time😂. Babies come when they’re ready don’t worry x

I’m honestly fed up of it, I’ve became very blunt with my responses! I was due Monday and I’m still pregnant! I’m a very impatient person so the waiting game is really hard for me, I’m literally doing everything I can to try and induce myself naturally (had the sweep, I’m using the ball, I’m doing my stretches etc) but I still keep getting messages “any sign of baby yet” like bc the first thing I’d be doing when I’m labour is messaging someone back going “oh yeah pushing him out now”!! What makes it worse is my poor partner is getting it at work every day too, he’s got hella blunt in his responses too his go to is “I wouldn’t be here if she had” The unsolicited advice too “have you tried XYZ” like yeah I have, like since when was it normal to tell people to have sex with their partners? Bc that’s what comment my partner gets all the time “well you should just have sex with her he’ll come right out” like ppl have no boundaries

@April oh my, i couldn’t have worded this any better myself. i relate to every single thing you’ve said. my partner also had to use the “i wouldn’t be here if she had” today!! 😭

@Gee🧸 hahah i am also going to post on social media and not text them back and quite frankly i hope they are all pissed off after the amount of messages we’ve received 😂

It’s honestly infuriating at times like nobody wants the baby to be here more than we do right now, and I feel like the more people ask the more pressure I have on me to go into labour which isn’t good for the stress levels or that. As my midwife said on Tuesday “he’ll be here when he’s ready, as long as you’re both healthy there’s no reason to worry about being over due”

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I feel like I could’ve wrote this 😂 it is so annoying im 7 days overdue and that’s all I’ve had all week it annoys me that people don’t think that id tell them! I understand that their exited but it frustrates me 😐

@April i also feel so pressured to have her and am struggling to feel relaxed, i’ve got an induction booked for monday which i don’t particularly want but at this rate im gonna have to have it because people keep pissing me off and are probably stopping anything from happening 😅 my phone is permanently going on dnd until she is here i think! x

@Sara yeah this is what gets me the most! If I had had the baby , people would know, especially the people needing to know 😂 I do understand in a way that I’m not a very online person on social media so maybe people think I’ve just not posted about it but everyone who knows me knows that my mother or my MIL would defo post something on my behalf if I didn’t 😂😂

@April my partner gets this all the time n someone the other day suggested sex even if it's uncomfortable, I said that if it's not comfortable I don't want to do it and unconsensual sex isn't something we do in our relationship, n they suggested using a calpol syringe of yanno what to soften the cervix, some people have no boundaries 😭😂

Its very annoying 🙃 I wasnt even 4 days overdue and I was getting it from family and friends. It doesnt help at all and I blame them for the delay. Like you said, it does nothing for oxytocin but definitely feeding the cortisol 😤 Ive never had my notifications on but its annoying trying to scroll through messages so I can text my Mum. Ive decided if it gets too much, that I will put my phone on airplane mode and my Mum will have to call my partner if she wants to reach me x

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