Negative pregnancy test after D&C

Hello ladies, how long did it take for you to get a negative test after a d & c? Mine was 3 weeks ago and still very strong positive 😔
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So sorry for your loss. I was Still positive at 3 weeks had a scan had retained products just tiny amount they told me to wait to see what happens I got my period after 5 weeks and only then after my period I tested negative. Turns out retained products were still there and I needed another D&C. I lost all hope at that point at ever having another child 3 months later we were blessed with our rainbow 🌈 xx

5-6 weeks

@Tanya that wonderful news! Huge congratulations! I’m praying I don’t have to have another d and c I really Found the whole thing so horrible as I didn’t have a set appointment time for the operation I was just wanting all day:( the hospital said I need to wait two weeks and do another test and if it’s still positive then they will see me!( all because my husband and I had sex 2 days ago!) they said there is a chance that could have lead to pregnancy, I thought if only it was that easy lol. Hopefully in 2 weeks it will be negative.

@Amy fingers crossed for you 🤞🏼 I found the 2nd d&c a lot easier to cope with as I had gotten my head around the loss of our baby it was just something I had to get done to help move on.

I also had retained product after a D&C but my body lowered HCG by itself after two rounds of drugs failed. I tested negative just under 5 weeks because of the retained products and got my period once HCG went below 5iu.

Ok thanks ladies, so got to hope for period to come and hopefully level go back to normal after that. Just wish I could have a scan/ blood test sooner just to know what’s happening, just want it all over to be able to move on:/

11 days to test negative for pregnancy. But my hcg has been taking too long to drop completely. 5.5 weeks later my hcg was 9, which ended up showing positive on OPKs throughout.

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