One thing after another…

Within a few days of her birth my daughter became really constipated. After day five of no BM we took our very unsettled newborn to a&e. We were sent home with the advice that it is normal for babies to experience some constipation and to continue moving her legs and giving her tummy massages. By day 8 she was starting to refuse feeds (breast and bottle) I’d been topping her up with sma anti colic and constipation formula to help her tummy and yet no BM. So, we went back to a&e where she was given a suppository which did the trick. Fast forward to a few days later, after very normal BMs… all of a sudden she was passing blood in her stool. - Yep you guessed it - Straight back to a&e where they confirmed my suspicions of CMPA. My daughter now has aptimil Pepti Formula and is no longer breastfed. Her BM are back to normal but now she suffers terrible reflux. She chokes occasionally during feeds, hiccups and has recently started to bring back up a fair amount of her feeds after and during burping. I will lose my mind if the GP tells me it’s usually for babies to have Reflux… Anyone else dealing with this?
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My LO had the same and Carobel helped massively

@Carmen Carobel, is it a formula or a medicine? I’ve not heard of it.

@Lauren It is a thickener for the milk. Formulas for CMPA are very thin so they make reflux worse. I would also suggest checking for tongue tie as my LO had both

@Carmen My six year old had tongue tie so we had our daughter checked at birth, she doesn’t have it. It’s so thin! She spits up so much it’s difficult to lay her flat. I assume that the thickener is suitable for CMPA? Thank you! I will discuss it with her GP also.

@Lauren It is suitable and so easy to use! It has saved us! He went from spitting all the time to practically nothing

@Carmen this is so helpful thank you. I was getting desperate. We reached a point where she’s just sick all the time, hours after her feed. She hates it…

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