Snoo Reliance?

Typical question you’ve probably seen a million times, but as a brand new Snoo mama I want to know if anyone had trouble with their little one being able to put themself to sleep once they transferred to their crib OR when traveling and using a pack n play that DOESNT rock? I desperately need the sleep, so we borrowed one from a friend but of course I’m worried she wont be able to soothe herself back to sleep if on a stationary bed. Thanks!
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The transition to crib was pretty rough for us and yes we had night time wakings where i nursed her and rocked her back to sleep. The snoo only soothes them if they are transitioning btw deeper sleep periods it doesn’t soothe them if they actually need something like a diaper change or milk.

Easiest answer: every child is different. My LO transitioned to a travel cot at 4 and a half months. We were away and he slept exactly the same as in the Snoo. We had been trying to transition out of swaddling which we could do in the Snoo as his arms would hit the side. We swaddled in the travel cot for a few weeks then stopped it. No issue when moved to a cot. He generally sleeps 7:30pm to 7am with no wake ups now at 14 months. We do still use the rockit baby shaker for the pram when he naps out and about. We initially connected it to the travel cot just in case but never used it.

My LO also didn’t like the SNOO if he started crying. We only ever used it on level 1 (rarely level 2) as if he woke up he needed something

We kept the snoo on the mode where it only rocked until he fell asleep and then turned off (weaning mode?) And when it was time to transition to a crib we would hold him and rock him to sleep and lay him down. We had no issues. On occasion the transition to the crib would wake him up, but as long as we did that successfully he would sleep normally the rest of the night. But I do also think it just depends on the baby

We had no issues with transitions. Our baby loved the SNOO but also happily slept in the Pack n Play and her crib for naps. Our baby is in daycare and she had no issues sleeping there. We waited until 7 months to transition her from the SNOO to her crib (waited 6+ months for SIDS risk) and that transition was painless too. It took her a little longer to fall asleep but not too much. We did buy a SNOO Bear so she has the same white noise in her room that she had in the SNOO. Plus, it's responsive so we liked that it turns back on if she wakes up fussing. Every baby is different so it's hard to know what will work for other babies but we always tried to do our best to make sure our baby could sleep in different environments. We would have her nap in her Pack n Play and crib often, and, though we had blackout curtains and white noise in our room and hers, we made sure she napped sometimes in daylight with no white noise.

Echo what others say; every baby is different but we had no issues with the transition with our little boy at 6 months. He’s now 12 months and sleeps amazingly, no snoo, no rocking. Just take the snoo support now & deal with things later if and when they arise is my advice

Agree that every baby is different! The SNOO helped us and our son so much until about 4.5 months and then he just slept badly regardless (teething/sleep regression/etc all hit hard). That weirdly made the transition to the crib easier since he wasn’t sleeping well either way. We had it on weaning mode a week and then he transitioned to the crib easily at 5 months (before I was ready haha). He seemed really ready for more space so kind of transitioned himself. Travel wise, if you travel when they’re really little and drive the SNOO is pretty easy to take by taking the legs off. If flying, we once were able to rent a SNOO through Cloud of Goods and the other time we rented a similar shaped bassinet and used a Rock it for a little movement and that worked decently well. We got a SNOO bear too to take on the trip which has the same white noise and is portable and my son still likes that for naps in his crib.

Yes I have gave up and cosleep. I think I should have started weaning off Snoo when he was starting to learn to self soothe at 3 months. Transition sleep sacks help gor naps but at night he never sleeps alone all night.

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