Is this positive?!

Hi! I had a miscarriage in April with my first pregnancy and went on quite a journey with recovery. Well, I finally got what I’m pretty sure was my period since the miscarriage last month — which I was so grateful and excited for. I never thought I’d be ecstatic to get my period. 😆 Well…. There were a few intentional TTC moments on the days that my flo app mentioned were high chances before ovulation. Well, I am predicted to get my period next week BUT I noticed I had a very slight pink hue when I went to the bathroom on Wednesday. I got the feeling that it was implantation bleeding so… I was inspired to take a test and I see two lines, but one is very faint. Could this be positive?!
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Definitely a line pretty dark too, you don’t have to squint to see it Do you have any pictures of your implantation bleeding?

I definitely see a line! And it sounds like there was some implantation bleeding. Congratulations!

@Diana I don’t have photos as I didn’t have my phone in the bathroom but it was one wipe with a pink tint on the toilet paper. If it wasn’t for following along with posts here on the app about implantation bleeding I probably wouldn’t have thought anything of it.

@Stephanie Oh my goodness.. I am just in awe right now. 🥹

@Ashley congrats Ashely on your rainbow baby ❤️

I completely understand. My first pregnancy ended in miscarriage in March and I just found out I am pregnancy again. It’s overwhelming. Here to chat if you ever wanna message me.

@Stephanie I messaged you!! I’d love to connect!

Yes babes congratulations!!!

@NaNi Thank you!!! 🥹🙏🏼 I’ve been in awe all day.

@Ashley as you should be this is a special moment!! Please make a shadow box 🥰🥺

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