Inconsolable multiple times at night?

My 5-and-a-half-month-old would typically give us an 8-10 hour stretch and then peacefully feed and give us another 1-2 hour stretch. The past three nights he has woken up every 1-2 hours screaming inconsolably. It’s not that he’s hungry. We can eventually get him calmed down and back in his crib with nursing and a lot of patience, but then he’s up not 2 hours later with the exact same thing. My husband and I feel like we did during those first treacherous 8 weeks. Is this the “4 month sleep regression?” I could take him waking up frequently but the awful inconsolable screaming is making me feel panicked (not to mention the anxiety that comes with the lasting effects of sleep deprivation). Help!
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The inconsolable screaming can be very difficult. And I 100% feel you when you mention the anxiety that comes with the lasting effects of sleep deprivation! We went through that as well! But it happened around the 8 months, I think. Yes, it could be sleep regression, but it could also be other things! Teething, ear infection, separatation anxiety (it starts around this time), uncomfortable temperature (too hot or too cold), colic, etc. We tried different things, but I can't say if what caused her to get through that uncontrollable cry was whatever we did or that she simply was done with that phase! It lasted about 3 weeks, I think. I kinda did co-sleeping for a week because I just couldn't take it anymore. It was very difficult. But once the uncontrollably screaming passed, I started sleep training her in her room again. All I can say is, it will pass. Now, it may not seem like that, but it will. And you are not alone. If you need to talk, feel free to message me. ❤️

I was wondering what was going on with my 5mo old! I was like why is she screaming and nothing will help she’s such a good baby usually and wasn’t sure if teething is getting bad or something else you’re not alone mama

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