Anyone else with a super clingy baby haha

I am 31 weeks +3 days, and my 19 month old son wants to be held by me all the time. This became more apparent, like 3 weeks now. He doesn't want Daddy or anyone else but me, and yes, he wants to be held in my arms. I am definitely enjoying our little cuddles and moments even though I am getting extremely tired as the days go by. I want to be sure I am not alone😄🤦‍♀️
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My two year old daughter is very much like this! I’m 34+2 and I’m exhausted !!

My 2.5 year old daughter seems to want to be with me / around me a lot at the moment and doesn't want daddy. I wonder if it's a pregnancy thing?! X

Yes my 20 month old just wants me non stop. Mama mama everything 😴

My 2 year old is the same. It’s very tiring! I wish she was a little more independent or would allow her daddy to do more for her

My 15 month old was going through a similar thing throughout most of my pregnancy! I’m now 33 weeks and he’s starting to have a dad phase which comes at quite good timing as I’m exhausted

I’m 34 weeks tomorrow and my 2 year old toddler has just started acting like this! She’s never been clingy but all of a sudden gets upset when I leave the room and just want to be constantly picked up. Love it but it’s going to be so hard if she carries on like this when baby is here x

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