Mama meet ups

Hi! I’m a FTM to a little boy called Hudson who’s 3 months old, looking for some mummy friends to go out with for a coffee, play group etc I currently just moved to Odiham but get to Basingstoke easily
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Hi Ally! I work full time and have two older girls but happy to meet up for coffees if you’re in Basingstoke town x

Hi Ally, I have a 3 month old too. Happy to meet for a coffee or playgroup some time in Basingstoke

Hi Ally! My little boys 5 months, we’re always up for a gossip over a coffee or at a new baby group :)

Hi Ally, I have a 6 week old girl and a 6 year old boy. Just moved to the area myself and looking to make a friend. Happy to meet up in Basingstoke

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