Mini rant about my mum not respecting privacy (I’m 13w 3d)
So I’m 13 weeks along and not comfortable about telling anyone until I’m at least 20+ weeks so I know it’s more safe for me and baby and knowing a close family member had a miscarriage at 22 weeks I just want to be cautious
Unfortunately my hospital letters accidentally got sent to my mums address (which I haven’t lived in for 6+ years) and she found out as she doesn’t respect privacy and opened my letters without any consent from me.
She has now since told at least 4 people and believes she can tell whoever she wants and that I’m being all doom and gloom this pregnancy because I don’t want to be running around with my scan pictures and posting my 12 week scan on social media and she has told me of I’m going to keep being dramatic and all mardy that we should distance ourselves as I’m just being “over dramatic” and “wishing bad on my baby” She has done nothing but cause me stress over these past few weeks and I just feel super drained
Am I being over the top or is how I feel valid? As she likes to pull these stunts to try gas light me and to make me feel worse
No not at all. You get to tell people when you want, a normal mother would respect that