Toddler tantrums/ hitting

My daughter is going to be 2 in October and she’s starting to get worse recently with when she’s frustrated she’ll kick,bite, smack pinch anything along those lines really I’ve tried my best to calm her down and even tried to explain to her and she doesn’t understand so nothing works How do you all deal with this as it’s something that I’m struggling to deal with at the moment
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I feel you on an emotional level here. My son is two in November and he’s the exact same it’s like I’m walking on eggshells and just waiting for the next tantrum. I took him to football today where he kicked me in the face, scratched my face & pulled my hair all because I was trying to encourage him to kick a ball. It’s super hard isn’t it I haven’t really got much advice to give you since I’m going through a similar situation but I just want to let you know you’re not alone even though it does feel like it. xx

@Ffion thankyou for sharing it’s so hard to deal with but it’s comfort knowing it’s not just happening to me as Its been getting to me a lot recently and I was starting to wonder if I’ve maybe done something wrong. It’s so hard as I never know how to stop it whilst it’s going on because she tends to be hard to get out of these tantrums once she’s in them

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