Tubal & missed period…

I had my tubes cut & burned the end of December 2022. I’ve had a period every month since. Until this month. Something told me to track when I slept with my husband one day (July 31st, and to track the spotting I had on August 6th.) my period was due August 15th. The 29th I’ll be a week late from the first day of my expected period. Currently a pregnancy test is negative. I’m extremely tired, nauseous, peeing way too much for my liking, smells are horrible, constipated…I could go on. No sign of my period. I didn’t realize I missed it when I found out I was pregnant with my son in 2022 until my now husband pointed out my severe exhaustion and I tested. I was roughly 2 weeks late and only got a very faint positive confirmed next day by bloodwork. Same with my daughter in 2017 when I confirmed with her. I know tubals can fail for a number of reasons. And my app is adding up with the timeline of when someone who could have conceived would possibly implant spot and so forth. We were talking about a reversal but without it, so much could go wrong if my body fails this possible pregnancy. Thoughts???
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What could go wrong if you didn’t have a reversal and you are pregnant. If you think you’re pregnant go to the doctor. You very well could be but you said the test came back negative. So, the next step would be to see a doctor and see what could be going on.

@Alyssa I go Thursday to confirm and discuss what could be going on if not. We are hoping my body failed naturally and I am pregnant, as I’m in the window of the first 2 years failure rate. TMI but sex has been painful for months and I’d get my period. Don’t have it and now sex is enjoyable too and there feels to be more blood flow down there.

Sounds pregnant to me

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