Morning mummy’s!

31 weeks + 1 day!💙 So blessed and excited to meet him now.. do these last 9 weeks drag on? How is everyone doing, are we excited are we nervous? So incredibly in love with our little boy already, this 10 week countdown is starting to feel so lonely. He’s so close, yet so far. He’s done nothing but stress me out the last few weeks with the Gestational diabetes diagnosis and potential problems, but thankfully everything is all good and now it’s just a waiting game. Dreading having to finish his nursery, I have so many ideas and what feels like not enough time or energy to get it done lol. Absolutely in love with mornings like this, it’s 4am daddy’s still asleep, and me and our little man are sat in the silence enjoying a cup of tea. Anyone else reached a point where they won’t stop moving? I feel like the little shit doesn’t even sleep🙉hopefully that’s not an insight to life when he’s on the outside. Hope everyone’s doing okay and loving their bubbles. 8 weeks and 6 days until he’s here. Good luck to all the early October mummies it’s nearly time! And to all my late October ladies, it’s the final stretch!❤️sending love and hugs.
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Another sleepless mama here. 30+4 for me and my little girl. She's always active around 4 am and keeps me company and makes me smile with her wriggles when the carpal tunnel is at its worse. Its nice not to feel alone in the early hours and know theres another mama up and waiting. Often I'm really irritable that i can't sleep but this morning i just feel calm and peaceful. Thanks for posting and sharing ❤💕👶

The next 4 weeks will go really quick but once you hit 36 weeks it’ll draaaaag cause you’ll be on constant baby watch, wondering if you have 4 weeks or 4 days to go 😂 90% of things will be done and you won’t know what to do with yourself 😂 but savour these last few weeks of him inside. You have forever to hold him in your arms, this time of pregnancy is temporary and goes SO quickly. You’ll miss it ❤️

It’s crazy how it’s 9 weeks but my countdown says 2 months so it feels so much longer 😂😂😂🤣 9 weeks sounds like it’s around the corner.But this month is almost over.Ready to meet baby boy not ready for the pain and sleepless nights but it will be all worth it.The best part is leaving the hospital and going home 🫶🏾.

Also 31+1 here; I’m both excited and nervous. I can’t wait for us to meet our son, yet the birthing thoughts are starting to stress me a bit. This is our first long awaited child and overall I feel so blessed we got here. I enjoyed every minute of this journey and I am happy to have these 9 weeks to get the nursery ready (halfway there is probably where we are at) 💙

Enjoy the quiet mumma! I was up with a wriggly baby (34+1 today) attending to my 2y4m old at 2am who decided she’d wake randomly and wanted a cuddle to get back to sleep. Then of course I couldn’t get back to sleep myself with my little live wire inside me keeping me awake! Weird to think baby could come in 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 8 weeks, this is a funny old time! My first came at 39+4 so I never experienced the “past due date” stage. Enjoy the last few weeks x

35 weeks here but felt like I’ve been 35 weeks forever!!! It’s dragging I’m hopeful for a September baby if she’s not late like her brother was! He was just under 3 weeks late 🙃 xx

@Jemma-Lee congratulations on your babygirl mama! Are you looking forward to having a little Halloween baby? ❤️X

@Becca congratulations on your 2nd! Are you excited to have 1 of each? ❤️X

@Juwona congratulations on baby number 2❤️the idea of having to get him out petrifies me lol, but he’s got in there, he’s gotta get out! X

@Justyna congratulations mama! Hope the last 9 weeks fly for you! It’s so exciting and so scary at the same time.💙X

@Becki congratulations on baby number 2 mama! Your little lady is an absolute beauty bless her, nothing more important than a cuddle❤️hopefully the last few weeks fly by! X

@Charlotte not too far behind you then, but I can’t imagine how 35 weeks feels❤️are you excited to be having 1 of each? X

Thank you so much and congratulations to you too ❤️ I was SCARED also but once you’re there everyone will guide you also your body and it will soon be over

So excited, feel very blessed! But gosh this pregnancy has been hell compared to my first 🤣 xx

Yes! I always saw myself as a boy mum but since finding out it’s a girl I’m loving all the florals and frills!! Definitely feel very lucky to have one of each 🥰💕

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Yes so much looking forward to her being a Halloween baby. Doubt she'll actually come on that day but just can't wait now. Trying to enjoy these last weeks as well tho xx

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