Hey Melissa! When I found out I was pregnant around 4 weeks I reikied myself every day for the first week or so! Still doing it regularly now at 10 weeks. I feel so connected to baby doing it :) Do you feel drained after giving reiki to yourself or to others? I am not sure about giving to others whilst pregnant but I think it’s great to give to yourself! My reiki master did say if you’re feeling drained after giving reiki to someone else, you might not be grounding and protecting enough. If you’re worried about giving it to others, could you reach out to your reiki master for advice?
@Claudia I think receiving is fine though, especially if you know the person already.
@Kathryn that is a really good point. I do think when I’ve been drained after I’ve actually been too tired in the first place. I will contact my Reiki Master and see what she says (she’ll know as soon as I message 🤣) Going to start gentle self healing as well. Thank you so much. Did you feel super connected when you were pregnant? I’m feeling like I want to heal everything and pick up my cards xx
Hiya when I found out I was pregnant I stopped giving but that was just me. My Reiki master said I would be fine giving Reiki. I was seeing a friend who was giving me Reiki I didn't stop my sessions with her and she had good connections from both me and baby. Baby was giving her messages through each session. As pregnancy progressed each session he loved it. Was very active during sessions as soon as she connected he was wriggling about. I agree with the grounding and protecting. That can make you feel drained, also putting too much of yourself into the healing or connection. Need to try use yourself as a channel for the energy to pass through. Another thing it could be pregnancy symptoms too as early pregnancy can always be harder until the placenta starts working around 12 weeks
Oh I also forgot to say. I was still connecting to my spirit guides and spirits during pregnancy. I was giving card readings and messages but I found once I hit around 16 weeks I found it harder to recieve messages. I think that was due to baby getting stronger and his energy was interfering. Another friend has said the same she's found it harder to relieve messages since being around 16 weeks
I was told by my shaman not to do any healing on others even distant healing. I also felt drained so it was important to keep the energy for me and my growing child. I only did healing on myself if needed. I still continued to meditate, connect with my guides, with source but had to increase the amount of times I grounded and protected myself. There are a lot of strong forces out there during this age we're currently in so I was grounding and protecting 3 times a day when I was pregnant (3 years ago), now I do it 5 times a day. I was also told not to have any healing or energy work done on me, only my shaman did what was needed. If u have a little special soul in you (no doubt u do) I'm sure they will be giving u all the healing u need.
@Delia I love that you were able to get message from the baby. That’s a great connection between yourself and your friend! Yeah I think I may just take it easy for the next few months and stick to birth-charts as the itch to connect is a strong one
@Delia we you able to connect with your son at that point?
@Cheryl I think the same, there are a lot of energies around, especially at the moment and don’t want to open to anything that may be harmful. I think I will stick to my meditation but even when I do I get all kinds a messages for other people. Perhaps the grounding and protection is the key here xx
@Melissa the more u feel negative, the air just doesn't feel right, ure feeling poorly or a little off, that's when u need to do it more. It keeps ur vibrations high which the lower vibrations can't tolerate. Make sure one of them is before u go to sleep in case ur travelling and don't know.
@Melissa I was able to connect with him since conception. I knew he was a boy very early stages. I was part of a circle and even someone else got that there was a male energy around me. (I hadn't told anyone I was pregnant yet I was 10 weeks at the time) As he was getting bigger and stronger we were talking to each other but as his past soul. Told me where he had come from and why he choose me and my partner to be his mum and dad. He was directly reincarnated from a miscarriage I had a few months before. So he was definitely intent on coming to this world. I had my mind blown a few times during the pregnancy lol
@Delia that is beautiful! What a lovely way to connect before the physical meet. x
@Cheryl thank you. Going to pick back up this evening x
I hve reiki booked in for after my sickness subsides. I would absolutely go for it personally! Only waiting so I can enjoy it 🥲🥲🥲 xx
I hadn't even considered this - I've got a reiki session booked next week at 22 weeks x