Trying for a second baby

So me and my partner have a LB who’s just turned 15m and we’ve been talking about having another baby about a month ago I had my implant removed so we could start trying for a second baby I’ve been trying my best to track ovulation ect but I haven’t had a period in a year due to contraception so it’s hard to tell when it will be, recently I’ve thought I could be pregnant but everytime I’ve tested it’s negative. With my LB it took around 7 months after coming off of contraception to get pregnant so I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have gotten pregnant this month but I can’t help thinking that something is feeling different. How long did it take you to conceive after contraception? What do u think about a small age gap?
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I came off the pill September 2022 and fell pregnant that month with my now 14 month old 🥰 We've been trying the last at least 4 months for baby number 3 having not been on contraception since then and still nothing 😒

@Jess how did u find having a second baby? I’m very nervous but at the same time in my family we’re used to small age gaps between kids and my friend has two under 2 and I help her out all the time with them while I have my son with me as well x

It’s definitely possible! I had a surgery that required coils for a month and feel pregnant the cycle after in 2022 and then a few months ago, got my first period back after breastfeeding which was an odd one and no idea about cycle/ovulation and fell pregnant. Now 14 weeks and there will be a 20 month age gap. I think it’ll be really rough at the start but also will be sweet to foster a close bond and them to have each other for company and to play with one another. Though I had 2 losses prior to my girl so I know it not always a choice on age gaps etc. and would be of the opinion to go for it as there will always be pros/cons to various gaps.

I had a big age gap my eldest is now 9 so she has helped massively. Really wanted to have 2 under 2 and close together but clearly isn't going to happen 😒 think with your second your more confident and know what your doing. Mine was 8 years difference but my youngest just slotted straight in and she's honestly been a breeze...but we've been lucky she's such an easy baby.

@Lauren the only reason I think I’d struggle is if I have another c section With my first I had to have an emergency section after a failed induction due to GD, I’m hoping for a vbac as my partner has to work long hours so for majority of the day it’s just me and the kids although by the time baby 2 is here my eldest should be about to start nursery or be in nursery already x

Similar for me as had an emergency c-section due to meconium in waters after 3 days of induction at 42 weeks. Really hope to avoid a repeat of that and so hope to have a vbac this time. I am fortunate that my husband will take a couple of weeks initially but not enough for the full recovery period. All our family are in Australia so would be really tricky but would just have to find a way through it. My girl is going to a childminder 4 days at the moment as I’m back at work now and I’d probably keep that going initially. It is a tough thing to factor in and do have to plan for all possibilities but so much unknown with birth so think you just have to go with it as much as you can.

I fell pregnant first month TTC my second baby. I was 9 months postpartum and hadn’t had a regular cycle due to breastfeeding so couldn’t predict ovulation. I used easy@home ovulation strips to test for ovulation and logged them in the premom app. Started trying over the new year and fell pregnant in January. I will have a 17 month age gap between my babies and very excited to have 2 under 2! My son is so gentle and loving with other babies I know he’s going to be such a good big brother 🥰 I also had an emergency c-section and have been approved as a VBAC candidate 😊

6 year. I had to have fertility treatment because of it but that's a while other story lol. Honestly best thing I did was drink raspberry leaf tea from period to before ovulation dint drink when you ovulate it thickens the lining for implantation. I used premom straps till I seen a patten inised the app also it was good I new when I was going to ovulate and when I was a close abused the purple clear blue digital tests soo as I got a blinking smiley we went for iui so soon as you get the blinking smiley just try till you get a solid one. I got pregnant with both mine by doing this but obviously we has iui but we did it a little different x

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