Signs coming and going🥲

Hey everyone! I’m pregnant with my 3rd baby so you’d think I wouldn’t be so clueless, yet here we are 😅! I’ve been getting tightenings, waves of tummy and lower back aches and pains, feeling crazy pressure down below (especially at the end of the day), and baby has definitely dropped, for the last week but then it stops and it’s driving me a bit crazy! I keep thinking something is about to start or happen and then nothing🫠 I’m due on Saturday, so I know I just need to be patient - but did this happen to anyone else?? Hope you’re all well xx
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This has been my life for the last 2 weeks 😄 I was due yesterday. I'm taking them as signs that my body is getting ready but this is my first baby so I have no idea 😂 sorry not very helpful but I definitely relate!

Hey Stefanie, I’m also due Saturday and in exactly the same boat!🫠 I keep thinking ok today is the day! Then nothing it’s like everything disappears 🤦🏼‍♀️ it’s my 3rd baby as well and for some reason I’m so impatient this time… the previous 2 I’ve been pretty relaxed but I feel so on edge about when it’s going to happen. Anyway wishing you luck and hopefully we won’t be waiting to much longer 💕

@Sarah @Chloe it’s nice to know others are in the same boat 😭 these days are dragging so much! Hope all goes well for you both when the time comes!xx

I’m due Saturday too! I’m having a sweep tomorrow so I hope that works but I’ve been feeling pretty much the same as you. And the pelvic pain😫 I’ve been going on long walks, bouncing on my ball multiple times a day and she just won’t shove😂xxx

@Issabel ye I’ve been getting crazy nerve pain too in like my groin/upper thighs! My husband thinks I’ve gone crazy😂

Hey @Stefanie I'm also due on Saturday and having the same experience. Every time I get period cramps or back pain I get excited but they go after 5/10min. It's my first time so hoping the wait is over soon. I try to stay active, go for walks, and do some exercise as I feel if I don't do these things it will never happen 😅 Good luck, and I hope everything goes smoothly and well for you and the baby!

@Stef it’s such an emotional rollercoaster! I hope all goes well for you too xx

Omg i'm the same!! My due is this saturday. I'm with signs since last friday and nothing happens yet... Stay strong! Send you a hug, the emotions are really hard!

@Nadia you’ve got this too! Hope all goes well!xx

@Chloe I just had my 40 week midwife appointment and the midwife said that labour with 3rd babies can take a bit longer to be established (similar to 1st time of labour) and can get signs for a bit of time before labour is established, but once labour is established, baby can be born pretty quickly! So she told me that I should call and go in as soon as my waters break or I get frequent, strong contractions - if that’s useful info at all!xx

Oh thank you ! I had no idea I was under the impression the more you had the earlier they come 😂😩 maybe that’s why I’ve been so impatient. Thanks again 💕

@Chloe ye me too! I said that to the midwife and she said 3rd babies are often cheeky!xx

Just curious if anyone has given birth yet ?💕

Not yet! But i feel more relax and confident than earlier... Babies coming when babies coming... I trying to enjoy this last days of pregnancy! Send a hug to the all pregnancy womens 💕 keep strong!

Yes! Went into spontaneous labour last Thurs and gave birth early Friday morning. Fully believe that just relaxing and letting my body do its thing is what caused it all to happen naturally. Hope no one is too uncomfortable! Get lots of oxytocin in you and enjoy the pre-newborn peace and quiet 🫣😄

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Yes my waters broke on Sunday evening and our baby boy was born just after midnight on Monday!xx

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