Anyone feel nauseous before testing?

Oh my god, I gagged at the sight of the grimace milkshake from McDonald’s earlier, actually made me feel sick. I’ve never been this bad before my period, and I’ve been gagging all week over nothing, just like how I did when I was pregnant with my first. Testing in a few hours, anybody had these symptoms before a positive test?
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I definitely did and I was actually still so early I tested negative for 2 days after the start of symptoms.

@Hannah Troutman I just tested negative, I’m scared now lol everything I’ve read online has said they tested negative and then positive too. Oh dear

Well, sometimes just the hormones from ovulation can mess with you. Don’t worry too much yet 😂

If it were me I’d wait and test in 2 days with your first pee of the morning! That’s going to be most accurate

@Hannah Troutman 😂😂 let’s hope so!! I’ll update you but I might just leave it til I’m late on my period. It is what it is I suppose. Thank you xx

No problem!

I tested negative a week before I tested positive and I was nauseous for a couple weeks before it finally was positive. I knew something wasn’t right which is why I tested again. I bought the early result tests.

@Ari I’ve literally seen like 6 exact stories of the same thing, I’m STRESSED lmao

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