Baby fever

Baby turning 1 soon and I’m starting to have baby fever and wanting another one! Any mama the same here? 😂
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My boy turns 1 next week and we are already trying for number 2! So ready for an addition to our family already ☺️

Same! Love my LG but feel like my family will truly be complete with 2. We are starting to try next month when LO turns 1. Will be 2 under 2 but only for a couple months if we concieve quickly. We didn't want to graduate from nappies and bottles only just to start all that again

Yes we have just started trying I can’t wait but I’m scared to have 2 under 2

I’m the opposite, I’m really not wanting to think about another for at least a few years! I do catch myself being broody at times but I honestly couldn’t fathom it any time soon 😂

Same!! I’m desperate to have another. In fact, I was ready to have another weeks after my first one! But sadly, my husband feels completely the opposite. He keeps saying he wants to “cherish” these years with our LG and give her all the undivided attention for now, whereas I feel like my heart would double in size and have more love than ever to share between two!

I mean yes but it's just a nice dream at the moment, we are not ready in any shape or form except the unrealistic wish! Hopefully in a couple of years we can make it 🙏🤞

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