Negative Blood Group

Has anyone else been told they have an RhD negative blood group, and will need anti-D injections. I was thinking of opting out of this because both myself and my partner are negative blood groups. Has anyone else done the same or is in the same position as me?
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I think you only need the anti-D injections if your baby turns out to be positive which is very unlikely if your partner is negative too! I'm negative but my partner has no idea what he is, so I've had a blood test to determine what baby will be. Haven't had my results yet but if they are positive I'm going to need the anti-D injections!

I’m RhD negative too… my first baby was RhD positive so I had to have the anti D injections. This time, my baby is RhD negative as well. So I don’t need them. It all depends on the blood type of baby. ☺️ it’s basically to stop your body essentially destroying different cells, so a different blood type ie: your baby. 👶🏼 Very basic overview. You should get more info when you find out what baby is. X

In some areas they are testing the babies blood whilst they're still in utero, they take a sample of your blood and are able to see markers of the baby's blood to tell what blood group they are. Ask if this is a possibility maybe?

I’m B negative and I had the test because we didn’t know what my husband was and my baby boy is a positive blood type so I’ll be having the anti d at 28 weeks. I also had one at 13 weeks due to bleeding

If you don't know the baby's (if theyre not doing the test in your area) i would absolutely get the injection. There are online calculators that you can use which work out baby's blood type based in yours, in some cases baby can only be a negative, but not always. In my case, im O- and my husband is AB- so our children can only be A- or B-. But if there was a chance that baby may have a + blood type, I really wouldn't mess around and not get the injection. It can be pretty devastating to you and baby if you gambled and you lost.

I think you need to speak to the midwife about this . I’m neg and had the injection with my first, and don’t need it with this one as she is the same as me. they didn’t have the injection years ago and my mum had 7 miscarriages due to the babies not taking her specific blood. I would only opt out if the baby is your blood group x

I'm RhD negative they should offer you a blood test to determine the babies blood type As i found out about a week later the baby is also RhD negative too so no Anti D injections are needed

Hello!! I am negative as well, my partner is positive, I have done the blood test to check my baby's blood type and the result is "high chance of baby blood being RhD negative" so I was like uhuu won't need the injection, but now I've received a letter with a doctor appointment to discuss the anti-D injection.... I think it is because they can't say 100% that the baby is RhD negative, not sure why.. will know more when I have the appointment!

I’m O- and have found out the baby is + so have my injections scheduled at 28 weeks.

I'm - a blood type, and since I was young, I knew I would need the anti-D injections when pregnant, so it’s normal for me. I would definitely consider having it if you want more children. If this baby has a positive blood type, there's a high chance that your body may reject future pregnancies with the same blood type, potentially leading to miscarriages.

@Ana Hey! Thank you for your response. From my understanding the baby can’t have a positive blood type if both myself and my partner are negative. I will speak to my midwife though and check this is the case of course.

@Megan that’s great!

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