Second baby

We have decided to start trying for our second. Our son is 2.5 years and I'm still so scared of getting HG again. I was so I'll, at 9 months pregnant I was 1.5 stone lighter than before I got pregnant! I just vomited for 9 months straight! My question is, who has not had it with there second pregnancy, I'm wanting hopeful stories 🤦‍♀️
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I had it worse second time around - but what I would say is that because I knew what to expect I could better advocate for what I needed and started the anti sickness sooner etc which made it a littler easier to manage. Also had better support from midwife and consultant. Hope you have a better experience x

I'm hoping it's not worse but like you say I no what to expect this time and can start the meds earlier again

Fingers crossed for you x

I don’t want to mess up your poll by voting (I’ve only had one pregnancy), but curious to know the results!

It was worse each subsequent pregnancy for me, sorry 😢 fingers crossed for you and any brave lady ttc after hg xx

I had it the same, which was pretty much as bad as it gets BUT knowing what to expect and what worked last time I was able to get on meds quicker, and be admitted easier for IV fluids etc x

My 1st was absolutely horrendous all the way through! Now my 2nd (different gender) nothing… completely normal!

I’ve had it in my 2 previous pregnancy and now again in my 3rd pregnancy. The 2nd pregnancy HG was the worse but it’s still pretty bad now. I think because I knew what help to get it hasn’t been as severe. Get prepped with anti sickness as soon as you fall pregnant.

Had it worse but i was 14 years older. But I agree, I knew what it was and better ways to cope second time round so as soon as it hit I was at the GP.

Hi I had HG the first 16 weeks of my pregnancy then it stopped one morning when I woke Up! Unfortunately none of the anti sickness worked for me, and was being sick up to 10 times a day. I’m 40 wks 3days and being pushed for induction at this time. Which I don’t want. They have said baby is a little smaller ( Jr oxford offer 36wk scan) and it was identified there. But baby is over 6llbs. It’s been a horrible 2 weeks and start of my Mat leave as they have pushed and pushed but everything else is all ok. I also lost over a stone the first 4m after so much sickness, I wonder now if that plays a part in my baby being on the smaller side. I myself I’m Petite as is my mum, my waist size has not changed and I didn’t put huge amount of weight on the entire pregnancy. I wonder if this all plays a part/ sorry it’s my first baby so thought I’d come on here for other experiences and thoughts

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