Possible chemical?

I'm wondering if it's possible I had a chemical pregnancy earlier this month. Symptoms wise, I had some major cramping around 10dpo but didn't get a chance to take a test as AF showed up a couple of days early. Yesterday on cycle day 6 I went to take an LH test but took an HCG by mistake. I haven't used this brand of test before but it took ages for the test site to clear so I ended up checking it after 10 minutes (which I know you're not meant to do) and I saw a vvvfl (photo in comments though barely visible). I figured it was an evap line but there was some colour to it. Out of curiosity I took another one this morning and the same thing happened. I may need to buy a different brand of tests but I was just wondering if it's possible I had a chemical pregnancy last cycle resulting in the slightly earlier than usual period and a small trace of HCG?
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Hiya! With the one you had taken this morning was it within the time frame? Some women bleed in early pregnancy and they can still be pregnant. I would recommend you get a different brand test and see if the test is darker. Definitely recommend getting checked out too.

No that one wasn't within timeframe either as they take so long to go back to white (and you can see the dye has bled quite a lot outside of the lines). I took a clearblue and that one was definitely negative but it's not as high sensitivity. Thanks for the advice!

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