Gallbladder removal during 2nd trimester

Hey mommas! Has anyone had their gallbladder removed during pregnancy? I was told I’ve been diagnosed with acute cholestytitus(inflammation of the gallbladder) and have been rushed to ER 3x in 2 weeks from attacks or contractions. The pain is UNBEARABLE. they want to wait until after delivery to eliminate the small chance of preterm labour but I’m wanting to get it done at 26/27 weeks. Any feedback from the mommas who’ve gone through this would be so helpful. The choice makes me feel selfish but I know it’s the right call.
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At my hospital in the UK they will not remove my gallbladder, first, second or third trimester as although it’s only keyhole surgery it can come with complications. I was due to have mine out as the pain was unbearable and was taken to A&E over 15 times across 6 months but when they informed me of the risks I could see why. I had a loss last year so I wasn’t taking any chances. The gallbladder pain is unbearable I know but just consider the risks x

@Carla the risks on both sides. I’m not sure if they told you are just as bad… The longer that you leave it the more stress it puts on your baby especially with a lowering heart rate… When your liver enzyme levels go up that impacts the uterus and the placenta, which is very hard on the baby. It’s also hard because I can’t eat enough to be able to support both of us because food triggers at all now… When I was rushed to the ER my blood pressure was almost 200 over hundred baby… I can’t imagine another of those attacks before I deliver.

200/100* can’t breathe and that stressed baby out so bad. It alone caused preterm labour which is why places don’t want to take out early. But if you’re viable at 26-28 weeks, baby can live outside womb.

They won’t operate on me so I don’t really have a choice but I think if given the choice I wouldn’t have it done anyway but I completely understand you wanting to as I know the pain is horrific. I’m consultant led due to having it so baby is checked on often and thankfully I’ve had no issues. Now in my third trimester. I hope it all works out for you and I really do feel your pain (literally) x

Thank you so much! It is truly terrible and having to live off opioids once at the hospital to be sent home.

I can’t comment as I’ve never been faced with this, but I just wanna send my thoughts 😭 I had a bad gallbladder when I was 18. Literally the world worst pain ever. I couldn’t imagine being pregnant, and dealing with that immense pain. I thankfully had it removed before having babies otherwise I know 100% I’d be in the same boat. I waited MONTHS for my surgery, I had to change everything about my life and lost so much weight just being petrified to eat the wrong things. I hope you find middle ground and find what works to keep the attacks from happening. ❤️

Yeah I eat no more than 9g of fat a day, super clean, no healthy fats of any kind and still come. they said extremely inflamed and stones keep trying to pass. Only way to stop is to take it out. I’m advocating to have ut out at 26 weeks. It is excruciating. 3 hospital ER visits now in 2 weeks.

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