Does anyone else want to whine about how pregnant they are?

I'm 37 weeks +2 and I'm just. Fucking. Done. I'm tired of scouring every twinge and bit of discharge for signs of labour like I'm reading tea leaves, I'm sick of lightning crotch, I'm sick of not being able to sleep. I want to flop down on my belly! I want to cuddle this baby then hand them off to my partner so I can rest! Anyone else want to vent?
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All I can say is I feel you. On an online course I was on tonight they asked ‘what are you most looking forward to?’ And my answer was ‘not being pregnant anymore’ and everyone else’s was about their baby 🙈

@Sarah omg not being pregnant anymore sounds so much better than the baby right now 😭😭

@Rachel yep we’ll love the baby but I’m just so looking forward to having my body back at this point x

@Sarah I'll be excited about the baby after I've had a good nap on my stomach 😂😂. My partner can handle the excitement until then. He has contributed jack shit thus far so he can take first watch. (I mean I'm joking; he's done so much to support me but ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to parent this baby as yet)

Hahah completely understand. My partner has been a god send listening to my constant moaning and anxiety surrounding pregnancy. But I agree! He can take the first shift and I can have a back sleep 🤣🤣

Yes!!! I think it’s because we were pregnant at the beginning of 2024 which feels like 100 years ago now it’s like September. I’m absolutely over it 😂😂😂😂

1000000%! 39 + 2

These last few weeks feel like AGESSSS

I’m 39 weeks 😩😅

I actually sat and cried the other day about not being able to flop on my belly I’ve been in early labor for 3 days and I’m over the whole thing already

Omg @Amy @Millie your babies are just being actively rude at this point. Don't wear out your welcome, babies!

I feel you! 39 + 1 today, been given a date for a section today The end is near just hang in there x

@Rachel you honestly have no idea! She very nearly got emergency evaluation yesterday after not moving for a while and having a heart rate of 180 😅 then she decided against that and settled down 🙄

Just double checking I didn’t write this post 😫😫😫 🙌🏾

39 weeks and yup I’m done. Even more so because I’m deciding to go to 42 weeks with no sweeps or inductions so could still be pregnant for another 3 weeks 🥲 (first came at 41+5)

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Crazy to see how many of us will still be waiting this time next week 🙈

Only 36 weeks and also so done.. I’m doing everything to get this baby out, even though I’m not 37 weeks yet (don’t come for me) I had my first at 36 weeks and he was perfectly healthy. This one is measuring on the 95th centile and I’m honestly so done, everything hurts and I feel like my body is being taken over 😟😟

i’m booked in for sunday and honestly the past few weeks have DRAGGGGED!! all i keep saying is i can’t wait for the baby to be here so i can get some sleep and i am SICK of people telling me ‘it doesn’t work like that’ - it does 😂😂

Same!! I've really not enjoyed the last 2 weeks of being pregnant. My baby is so active and always when I need to sleep, I hate not being able to get up without it being an effort and being able to just breathe properly I definitly won't take breathing normal for granted ever again! 39 + 4 x

I’ve literally got out of bed to pee, three times since 10:00pm. I’m so over it 😂

I’m 41 + 5, was due August 18th. May be a September baby 😅 but I think I’m getting induced tomorrow. My first came on her own at 41+3, my babies just take their time.

i’m 37+4 and also very very done! i have the extremely itchy pregnancy rash (PUPPPs) and i am fucking miserable. barely getting any sleep. i’m itching all day long. i’m exhausted. my pelvis feels like it’s going to fall apart at any moment. i also have a haemorrhoid that is stubborn and won’t go away. her kicks also just hurt now because she’s running out of room. i am just SO ready for her to come out! this is way worse than newborn tiredness.

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