My daughter does the same sometimes she wakes up screaming and crying for an hour. I don’t have set bed times but she does go to bed before 12 am and wakes up before 9am napes for 2 hours but everyday is different. We use a sound machine the round one it’s gray on Amazon I have it on the static sound it’s like an airplane sound then we use a fan that has white noise and vibrations. We never sleep without the machine ever.
I have read that making sure they are up at the same time everyday is important for a good routine. I struggle with this myself bc my girl is really difficult to put to sleep too. I would try to move wake up time earlier for a few days and see if that makes a difference
@Itayetzin he wakes up at different times. On Saturday he woke up at 8.30, yesterday he woke up at 5.45 and this morning at 7. He goes for his nap for about 10-11am. He has always gone for his nap at that time and when we used to get him to sleep at 7.30-8 he would go to straight to sleep but now he won’t and is wide awake. He wants us to stand up when getting him to sleep. If we done that, he wouldn’t stop moving and he would cry
@Kris we use a waterfall sound and have the fan on but when it gets cold we won’t be able to use the fan which has helped him sleep better through the night
@Vanessa I wish I could do that but on Saturday he was up at 8.30, yesterday at 5.45 and this morning at 7
What time does he usually wake up for the day? And do you know his wake windows? Is there a way to lay next to him and pat him to sleep instead of rocking?