Hi super random question?

Just wondering if there was any mums with 2 under 2 that have a super supportive husband/partner but no family that can help with babysitting etc x just wondering how hard 2 under 2 really is to juggle without the support? Second question: we are considering moving interstate to be closer to family that can help and currently pregnant wondering if it’ll be easier to move before or after baby comes? There will be a 2.0 month age gap. Not sure if anyone else has moved during/after pregnancy either newborn but wondering what was easier
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Can't say anything regarding 2 under 2 but moving interstate while pregnant was far easier than moving with a baby for us

I have 2 under 2 (18 month age gap) I’m not finding it hard but I have noticed getting appointments done such as (giving birth obviously), vaccinations and cafhs appts it’s been easier to have my eldest babysat by parents but in saying that I could’ve done it taking both. But if you are actually going to move I’d do it while you’re pregnant because newborns are needy as and you’ll already be juggling your 2 under 2 and you’ll be having mum guilt with how you spend your time and missing out on time and trying to juggle time with your eldest while you breastfeed and newborn is being clingy - you don’t want to add extra tiredness, exhaustion and frustration all together with the move. Also better to get things done before hand as your current bubs worlds going to be turned upside down with the arrival of new bub and you what to be available to comfort them in that transition too and if you’re already moved and you have mat leave it gives you the perfect time to enjoy newborn stage

Thanks guys for the comments just needing help to see whether it’s easier going before or after such a big decision. I want to stay for comfort of familiar hospital, bigger hospital and friends here but husbands family will be there. Will be most likely living with them for a few months til we can get a place too 😅

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