Potty training

Mums is it possible to potty train a severely autistic, non verbal 4 year old? Iv been consistently trying since he was 2 years old. Please no judgey comments.
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I have been there this potty song that helped my daughter work because it repeats the words over and over help them understand it let send you the link



@Alexandra ✝️⚔️ thank you il give it a go. 🫶

I read the gentlenpotty training book and it helped me train my non verbal autistic daughter when she was 3 x

@Jaz thank you I will look into that 😊 x

My sons ADHD odd possibly spectrum still being tested but he LOVED this book he'd crack up no idea why but it helped him understand. https://youtu.be/l3LRue4VYT0?feature=shared

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