Sleep nightmare!

My son will not let me put him down to sleep, no matter what I do he screams the second I take my arms away. He can't continue to sleep in my bed I get no sleep and he is now even fighting his naps! I need help I have tried everything sleep training, bedtime routine, maybe, change in environment, change in lighting, temperature, I've tried feeding him to sleep, rocking him to sleep, I am out of ideas!
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@Alicia 5 months

I am so utterly and completely exhausted I honestly can't get myself to do anything. For 2 days I've honestly just sat and cried while he's either cried or played on his own

If he has been fussy all along, have you looked at possibly allergies? Breastfed or formula? I think mine have both gone through mom or nothing phases but my second was very fussy until we figured out she can’t have dairy at allllll.

I'm not sure if this will be helpful or create more work, but I feed until he's asleep, then I rock him to a deep sleep while shushing. When I transfer him I keep shushing and make sure it's butt, feet, head in that order, I have my hand on his chest and slowly remove my other hand from the back of his head. Then I slowly move away. He will sometimes wake up or seem like he's waking up, but he doesn't cry he just moves his head or hands and sort of soothes himself back to sleep. Don't pick them up in this state, or you will wake them back up. Hugs momma!!

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