
First pregnancy and I want to announce it to my family, but I’m afraid. I think it’s just because of the stigma that’s attached to announcing “too early”. Although I know they will be happy for us as they know how much we’ve been wanting and trying! We’ve told most of our friends soon as we found out. It just felt easier and less stress.
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Nothing wrong with waiting until 2nd trimester Told my family at 4 weeks and told hubs family today (9weeks)

I was gonna wait but I was so excited I caved and told people as soon as we found out lol. His family is really supportive and excited the only issue really comes from my side. My dad’s side of the family has issues with my boundaries when it comes to the baby but other than that it’s been a pretty good experience for my 1st kid. I’ve loved all the love and support I’ve gotten so far from my boyfriend’s family and friends. Do what works best for you and your partner. You don’t have to tell everyone right away you can tell immediate family and then gradually tell others. Or you could wait I’m sure they’ll be excited either way

Girl just wait youll jave mor peace i posted a picture not and obvious one but i was 7 months and whoever geussed geusssed and i had the best pregnancy ever

If you think they’ll be supportive tell them but if you dont them dont you absolutely do not need any negativity during this time

I waited to share publicly until I was 19 weeks and lost our baby at 20 this past June. It was complete whiplash for everyone. I say all that to say, it’s both never too early and always too early. There’s no “safe” zone until you hear your baby cry. But None of that natters! I would recommend celebrating the life you created as soon as your heart feels called. I’m pregnant again and even though it’s terrifying, I’m sharing it with people whenever I see them in person. Being pregnant is a miracle and it’s worth honoring! The support we have received has been incredible. Congratulations, momma! Share your gift!

I told my family pretty quickly probably around 5/6 weeks just a few days after we took the test. I was too excited! I’m very close to my family though so I tell them everything. I don’t really like hiding things and we were going to stay with my parents for a couple weeks so I knew I’d be feeling rough and wouldn’t be able to hide it lol. It’s been nice to have everyone’s support!

I told my mom immediately but I’m not announcing this time until baby is born it’s my third and my second is only 5 months 🥴

I thought I was 6 weeks when I told my parents and his mom but I was actually like 3-4 weeks 😅 but waiting to tell everyone else after the 12 week mark

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