As for the prévia, itself. Baby should grow just fine and they will schedule a c section.
@Terri lynn thank you! Yes it’s my home country Thailand and I live in the US.
Well I sincerely hope you’re able to go on your trip! Typically prévia doesn’t dictate an early delivery, but babies are so unpredictable. I, too am from another country and living in the US, so I understand how special it is when you’re able to make a trip home. Wishing you the best!
As a nurse, I would say to know the location of the local hospital with a delivery unit AND NICU during your stay. Travel time seems like a lot, is it a car ride? The issue with complete prévia, is that 1- if you go into labor your baby is at an extremely high risk of not surviving birth as the placenta will detach and lose all oxygen supply before you fully dilate to push baby out. 2- if you go into preterm labor will you be able to get to a hospital quickly enough for them to try to stall labor or perform an emergency C section? 3- IF you go into preterm labor and they manage to stall it, are you able to stay at that hospital until it is safe to deliver your baby? 4- nothing happens and you enjoy the trip. As with everything in life there are risks. You have to ask yourself if you are willing to take these risks for this trip.