When did you announce your pregnancy ?

I’m 15 weeks and thinking about waiting til 20 weeks but idk . When did you guys announce to the world ? My close family and friends know .
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We made our Facebook announcement when I was 14 weeks

I’m 15w5days, and we haven’t gone public on social media about it. Only told friends and family in person. Im also thinking about waiting til 20 weeks, but that’s just my personal preference since it’s my second pregnancy and the first one was a miscarriage. But ever since I found out I was pregnant the desire to tell everyone and post about my pregnancy on social media is high but for now we’re good taking it a week at a time 🙏🏼

I am 17 weeks and still have not posted it. My mil is a nightmare and she doesn’t even know and if we post it then she will know and that will be a mess

I’m 15w and went public yesterday on socials after letting my close friends and family know. It’s totally up to you :)

I had planned on announcing at 12 weeks but officially announced at 9 weeks right after finding out we were having twins

we planned on announcing at 12, but announced around 9 weeks after our first ultrasound!

I told friends and family at 12 weeks and announced on social media at 14 weeks. It’s entirely up to you though. 💛💛

I tried to wait as long as possible but most people realized me being exhausted and sick 😂 they found out about 10 weeks

I’m 16 weeks right now and haven’t posted anything yet. Friends and family know. Waiting for my bump to really bump to take some pictures to announce

I’m 15 weeks and I haven’t even told my family yet I’m so anxious but I want to do a gender reveal so I plan on telling them after my next appointment at 16 weeks and then soon after announcing on socials

At this point just waiting for enough of a bump for a cute maternity pic so maybe 20-24 weeks Most people we have told in person by now (16 weeks)

I'm 15 weeks today. And ive been itching to tell lol my siblings are the only ones that know so far. I'm trying to wait till. 20 weeks and can do a cute gender reveal. But how I'm feeling it might be sooner. Just b bracing myself for all the questions and comments lol

We are 15 weeks and thinking we'll wait until 20 weeks, the longer it goes the less I feel like announcing 🤣

We announced at 14 weeks but I wish we waited for 20 since we are going through a genetics scare.

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