Weight gain.

I'm currently 34 weeks pregnant and keep being told by my OB that I'm 10lbs over the expected weight gain for my stage. At first I didn't see how but I took a video of myself and my hips gained a lot of weight, even my ribs, but I have back rolls and side rolls I never had before. I am feeling so so depressed and gross and defeated. I really need mental and physical advice on how to deal with this weight gain. I want to know how to become the old me or a better me after this baby.
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You’re body is doing something so amazing. Give her a little grace for now while you’re creating a little human. Once baby is here you can find a healthy way to lose weight. For now just eat healthy and if you have a bad craving just let yourself have it because baby needs something. Find things you love about yourself to help mentally.

Seeing your body change can be so hard especially when we’re bombarded with messages about how we “should” look, snapping back after pregnancy, basically being as skinny as possible, etc. 😓 my advice would be try your best to make peace with where you’re at right now. You can’t necessarily try and lose weight the way you would if you weren’t pregnant. Something that helped me was meal planning balanced meals as best as I could so I was eating enough to nourish myself and baby without going overboard. Follow your hunger cues if you can. Try and be mindful of boredom snacking or emotional eating😅. And remember, it’s temporary. Your baby will come out and some of that weight will drop instantly. You’re so close to the finish line!

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