Has anyone had an induction at Sharoe Green in the last few weeks.

How was is? How long did it take etc?
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Not in the last few weeks my son is 2 I got induced with him and it was the worst thing I’ve ever done sorry to scare you but I laboured for 3 days and it ended in emergency section! I would never ever ever get one again! They said my placenta was failing that’s why I needed one but my placenta was fine. I don’t know any success stories with induction maybe someone other women have positive experience but mine was horrendous! Xx

I was induced nearly three months ago (first baby) and I had a positive induction! We went in on the Saturday tea time, had the gel pretty much straight away. They monitor baby throughout but you’re free to roam around and go for a walk etc. Only complaint we had was the waiting around until a delivery room was available / low staff. We only finally went up on Sunday at 11pm and they monitored baby for half hour then broke my waters and baby girl was here by 3.05am Monday. However, everyone does have a different experience so your best going in with an open mind! My friend was induced a week earlier than me and had a completely different experience. If you do decide pay for a week parking as it will more than likely end up cheaper and take food/ snacks/ iPad to watch things etc to keep you busy. & if your partner is staying with you make sure he takes a pillow and blanket! Hope this helps x

Not recent but I had a lovely experience. I was induced with the first lot of gel Friday morning, next one was Friday evening then there was a delay for the third as doctors were busy so it was about lunch Saturday. That got me to 1cm dilated, I waited for a bed on delivery, had my waters broken about 11pm, opted for the epidural then started on the drip. I laboured for 11 hours and got to 8cm but I did unfortunately contract sepsis so was taken for a c section. I have an underlying bladder condition which I think was the cause of the sepsis. But honest I had amazing care, the section was really nice, staff so lovely and helpful. Had support with breastfeeding, kept on top of pain meds etc. She was born lunch time Sunday and we were discharged Monday evening (waiting for my infection markers to come down) x

My induction there in January was ok, but they were limited with rooms on the delivery ward (people in active labour coming into the hospital of course get priority) so I waited 3 days for a bed there after being told I was 3cm and ready to go up. My only real gripe is that they bought in more people to start inducing them when I was on day 2 of waiting for a bed and if their waters broke naturally after the gel then they of course went before me 🙃

I was induced there in March, it was a really positive experience! I had the gel at 8pm, went on a walk for a couple of hours. Came back and slept for an hour or two and my little girl arrived at 7am after being on the delivery suite for 9 minutes, they were so lovely and it was a really nice, relaxing experience for me.

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