vaginal birth

anyone recommend what pain relief they found good for labour , something that you can recover from fairly quick and wears off.. dont particulary want to be bed bound again second time round. but at the same time dont want to experience the pain i felt when having my first baby. i am planning a natural vaginal birth but open to pain relief when gets too much. any suggestions or tips?
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Tens machine, you can walk the whole time which helps with dilation and gas and air. Otherwise your looking at epidural but your bedbound, or the pethodine injection but it only lasts so long and you need to be be connected to the fetal monitor the whole time

did u find the tens machine helped with taking the pain from contractions?

i had a pethodine injection last baby and it didnt work pain wise at all just made me sleepy

Definitely, I used it my first but I was pushed by midwives for an epidural which I regret agreeing to. Used it with my second and walked the corridor with it until I needed more and moved to gas and air along with it around 7cm. While the contractions were still powerful I just felt the pain edge was gone and it was just the pressure of the contraction remained. Hope that helps

I had two home births. Hypnobirthing helped mentally, I used the gentle birth app and there's a labour setting to help focus and get you through the contractions. Keeping upright forward and open throughout as much as possible. First time around I used the app, and a winnerflow device which helped focus my breathing and to breathe through any intense surges. The tens machine I used after 7.5hrs for about 7hrs on my first labour but didn't need to use on my second at all as it happened much quicker and felt a bit more intense but still manageable and I felt the tens wouldn't do anything for me second time around..but it's always great to have on hand I find. I had two water births and the water hugely helps in relieving pain. Keep hydrated so u don't get tired....ur uterus is a muscle & needs hydration to optimally function. Mind over matter in most cases for sure & the less internal assessments needed the better. I was 4cm when checked on both..1st born 3hrs later, 2nd born 1hr l8r. Best of luck x

Birthing comb!

Tens machine, gym ball, hypnobirthing. Thanks to those my labour was pretty fast and I refused to take gas or epidural as those made me feel weird with my 1st

Tens Machine and gym ball. Gas and air at the end as it makes me nauseous

so can you use a tens machine at home in early stages when contractions start before u go hospital?

Oh yes you can! Buy second hand and get new pads and machine was 60 from boots brand new so I was glad I actually used it! Staying at home for as long as possible is the unfamiliar environment can stall your labour progression temporarily especially if you go in earlier but obviously depends on person. It's really good and the comb is a good one too...I ended up holding the winnerflow like a comb for the last 2hrs of my first birth and couldn't let go of it! Also get your partner to learn and do pressure points and hip squeezes or ask your husband did this on my lower back right before and as I was birthing baby ..they were amazing 😍 felt like I could push better and I was on all fours/squatting...knees in and feet out to open pelvis to help you open...focus on relaxing your jaw too. X

i had a 3rd degree tear last birth so really nervous this time around and wanting to keep myself calm as possible and to try prevent this happening again

I'd recommend getting them to put bed in upright sitting position and you can be on your knees hugging or leaning onto the back of the bed if this is what you feel is right for don't have to lie on your back or lying on your side is also great. It will help open your pelvis and help baby come out easier. Don't feel you have to lie down unless you want to!

@emma oh I'm really sorry about that..yes I can see why for sure! I had two first degree tears from my births... something I didn't use but is recommended...I'm sure if you ask your midwife they might accommodate but a warm compress on your perinium as you are pushing baby out can help. Also try to only push if you feel your body is telling you and mooo baby out rather than purple push as they say. These can tense you up and work against but of course every situation is different. But if you inform your partner they can try to advocate for you and suggest something which may help in a moment.

yes that is exactly how i delivered my last baby on my knees leaning over the bed. she just came so quick i think. i had no pain relief just gas and air but i dont wana put myself through that pain again was traumatising

Oh ok! Wow yes I can totally get that...I was so afraid on my first one...even though I only tore slightly I think tbh that sharp pain took me by surprise but my midwife guided me to blow air through my mouth like a horse 🙈😅 and it did help to relax me. I wonder could they put some localised anaesthetic in you perinium before delivery you won't feel the tearing or any if it does happen again. You can highlight how it may you feel before. I have heard of this but it was years ago so unsure of if they would allow this. X

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everytime i mention having a natural birth again they just keep reminding me of the risks are 18% chance of it happening again which scares me , but at the same time i really dont want a c section. i feel like my body can do it just would love to try control my labour this time round bit more to prevent the tearing from happening again. i have heard of blowing rather than pushing iv been told that by a dr this time round but wasnt told last delivery i wasnt given any instruction just kinda left to it which i was panicking so i think its partially why it happened also i was prob pushing too much too fast maybe not knowing what i was doing

18% is still very are so able to have a natural birth. Yes I think the blowing really helps for sure and for be the stability of the hip pressure and pressure points felt like my hips were more stable in order to help me push baby out as odd as that sounds...but the breathing for sure helps. I feel I could improve it more be honest I think sourcing a winnerflow from online would be a great tool for you to's like the gas and air except without the side effects and pain relief but helps with focusing your breathing and preventing becoming tense.

thats what i keep telling myself trying to stay positive. its defo all about your breathing i did get into a zone and a bit of a rhythm at one stage of labour and it did help alot with the pain. i found gas and air made me light headed and made me feel funny . pretty sure i blacked out for a moment . felt drunk. i have never heard of a winnerflow i will have a look online. my due date is this friday but still no movement but they are doing a sweep for friday.

thank u for all ur advice you have been really helpful

@emma hypnobirthing teaches u about control and controlled breathing. It was very helpful for me and I wish I did it with my 1st. My 1st was traumatic and I thought I'd ask for c section but thanx to hypnobirthing I changed my mind, I also had tens machine and gym ball. No drugs. Best decision ever

What hospital are you with? The Rotunda rang me yesterday and told me about remifentinal (I may have that name wrong) basically it's on a drip and you push the button when contraction starts and it gives you a dose but it only lasts minutes. It's obviously not as strong as an epidural but you aren't bed bound afterwards. Also it's done through IV so no needles in spine! I have to look into it more for myself (I had no pain relief last time) but my friend used this in England on her 1st (2015) and had wanted it here on her second (May 23) but it wasn't available then

i am having my baby in the coombe hospital , i must ask about this a exactly my point i dont want to be bed bound etc so puts me off the idea of an epidural

@emma hopefully they have it 🤞🏼

no consultant has even discussed forms of pain relief with me yet and my due date is friday lol

thank you for letting me know this

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